Alphabet Crafts

69 Pins
Letter of the Week: R is for Rainbow Preschool Craft
Letter of the Week: R is for Rainbow Preschool Craft
Alphabet crafts for each letter
Lowercase alphabet crafts. Use for letter of the week or sprinkled in lessons for a more organic way.
Preschool Letter I - In My World
Preschool Letter I craft I is for ice cream and i is for insect. Of course, we know that insects have 6 legs, but let's not spoil the fun :)
Letter M Crafts for Preschoolers
Letter M Craft 1 the measured mom1 Letter M Crafts for Preschoolers
N~ Things » Blog Archive » Letter of the Week- Letter R
Filed in Colors, Learning Letters, Letter of the Week, Letter R, Toddler and Preschool Activities