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Stress is when a stimulus considered threatening (stressor) is present and a person is trying to deal with that stressor.
Daily Hassles: These are stressors that occur in everyday life; for example, work, traffic, or waiting. Hassles can add up to have the same impact on someone as a Major Life Stressor.
The short term effects of stress is your bodies reaction to stress. You might feel sick or unable to deal with other situations. The body also prepares itself for any injuries that might occur if our stress is a physical stimuli.
Not completing assignments by their due dates and then failing the class is what causes my stress about college.
A healthy way to cope with my stress is to initiate cognitive behavioral techniques. This means that I need to expel negative thoughts from my mind and focus on the positive ones.
Managing stress can be difficult, but Fiona Howard noted that using Positive Psychology can improve the wellbeing of people in the workforce and in their everyday lives.
My warning signs before I get stressed are my heart starts beating faster and it feels like it is going to beat out my chest.
Major Life Stressor: These are events such as house fires, moving, and the birth of a child. These are stressors that effect a central part of someones life.
Long term effects that stress can have on you causes your body to be exhausted. Some systems in your body will become weaker and will make you more likely to contract certain diseases.