Food&Drink Menu

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This may contain: a white plate topped with meat covered in sauce and toppings on top of a wooden table
Dendeng Balado Khas Sumatera Barat
Ini kesukaan aku banget dendeng balado, pedes dan bisa di jadiin stock juga.
Sweet & Sour Chicken Recipe 🥢 - Low-Calorie & High-Protein Fakeaway!
Craving Chinese takeout but watching your macros? This Sweet & Sour Chicken recipe is your answer! It's a healthier, lower-calorie alternative to your favorite takeout dish, but packed with protein and just as delicious. With simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, you can have this flavorful dish on your table in no time. Get the full recipe and macro breakdown below! #healthyrecipes #easyrecipes #lowcalorie #highprotein #lowcaloriemeals #mealprep #weightloss #airfryer
One dish I find myself making over and over again is my Sweet and Sour Chicken! It’s ultra crispy and a lovely balance of sweet and tangy from the sauce and a textural explosion from the crispy chicken, peppers and onions. It’s a dish I would order all the time as a kid and after lots of testing, this version is just as good at home. Give it a try - I guarantee you’ll love it! Find the full recipe with all my key tips on the blog - link in my profile! #chinesefood #chicken #sweetandsour ...
Resep Soto Betawi😱😱😱 Auto nambah☝🏻#resepsotobetawi #sotobetawi #soto #resepsoto
Easy Mashed Potatoes | Smooth and Creamy
With only 5 ingredients, you can turn your potatoes into a creamy-licious mash. Serve it with a square of butter and chives, or enjoy it with our delicious mushroom gravy.
This may contain: a pan filled with food on top of a stove next to a plate of chicken wings
Ayam Crispy Asam Manis
This may contain: a pan filled with meat and vegetables on top of a stove
Ayam Saus Asam Manis
Resep Babat Gongso Semarang yang Manis Pedas
Babat gongso selalu dijual bersama nasi goreng babat. Sajian babat gongso Semarang ini memakai babat hitam dengan bumbu yang pedas manis.
This may contain: a man holding a plate with some food on it and the words mie tums aceh
30min · 2 servings BAHAN : ISIAN : • 500 GR MIE KUNING BASAH • 100 GR CUMI • 100 GR DAGING SAPI • 100 GR KOL • 1 PCS DAUN BAWANG • 1 PCS TOMAT • 3 SDM KECAP MANIS • 250 ML KALDU • 1 SDT CUKA • GARAM • GULA KALDU JAMUR BUMBU HALUS : • 6 PCS BAWANG MERAH • 3 PCS BAWANG PUTIH • 4 CM KUNYIT • 3 PCS CABE MERAH • 1 SDM MERICA 1/2 SDT JINTEN CARA MEMBBUAT : • 1. blender semua bahan bumbu halus. • 2. panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga matang. • 3. tambahkan daging sapi dan cumi, masak hingga setengah matang. • 4. masukan kol, kaldu, cuka, dan seasoning. • 5. tambahkan mie hokkien, aduk rata. • 6. masukan daun bawang, tomat, dan kecap manis. • 7. masak hingga air berkurang. • 8. sajikan
This Is Not Your Grandma's Potato Salad
This crispy smashed potato salad is rich and chock-full of incredible texture. Make it for your next get-together, and it’ll be the talk of the night!
Herbed Roasted Potato Salad Recipe
Experience the explosion of flavors in a vibrant and delectable roasted potato salad. This tantalizing dish features a medley of fresh herbs, a delightful homemade dressing, and a sprinkling of pistachios for that perfect touch of crunch. Get ready to savor each mouthwatering bite of this irresistible culinary creation!
Crispy Smashed Potato Salad 🥔🥗 | Creamy, Crunchy & Flavorful
Crispy meets creamy in this delicious salad! Our Crispy Smashed Potato Salad is the ultimate blend of texture and flavor, perfect for any occasion! 🌿🥔