Reflections on Church's thesis.

SC Kleene - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1987 -
Over fifty years after I first heard Church propose his thesis, about which I have meanwhile
often written, can I find anything more to say concerning it? I have been introduced to much
of the recent literature in which Church's thesis is discussed by the excellent scholarly
volume [29] of Judson Webb. 1 Its bibliography, which of course covers many topics besides
Church's thesis, includes over 300 items, about half of them published since 1960. It is
nevertheless not quite complete; thus Post [25], Markov [21] and [22], and Smullyan [26] are …

[CITATION][C] Reflections on church order in the Pastoral Epistles, with further reflection on the hermeneutics of

GD Fee - Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 1985 -
Description: Reflections on church order in the Pastoral Epistles, with further reflection on the
hermeneutics of "Ad hoc" documents :: IxTheo Skip to content IxTheo Home About About us
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Reflections on church order in the New Testament

MM Bourke - The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 1968 - JSTOR
During the past year theological literature on ecclesiology has bee enriched by the
publication of Dr. Hans Küng's study, The Church} T method of investigation of his subject
followed by Kiing was to concentrate primarily on the NT sources, seeking to find there
norms whereby th Church of the present might be assessed and renewed. If there is, by
right, nothing unusual about the method, Roman Catholic theological literatur on the Church
has not been notable for following it; for that reason, for no other, Küng's work deserves the …