In vitro assembly studies of FtsZ/tubulin-like proteins (TubZ) from Bacillus plasmids: evidence for a capping mechanism

Y Chen, HP Erickson - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008 - ASBMB
Proteins with a weak sequence similarity to tubulin and FtsZ are expressed from large
plasmids of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis and are probably involved in
plasmid segregation. Previously designated RepX and TubZ, we designate them here as
TubZ-Ba and TubZ-Bt. We have expressed and purified the proteins for in vitro studies. TubZ-
Ba and TubZ-Bt share only 21% amino acid identity, but they have remarkably similar
biochemical properties. They both assemble into two-stranded filaments and larger bundles …