A note on minimal length polygonal approximation to a digitized contour

U Montanari - Communications of the ACM, 1970 - dl.acm.org
U Montanari
Communications of the ACM, 1970dl.acm.org
A method for extracting a smooth polygonal contour from a digitized image is illustrated. The
ordered sequence of contour points and the connection graph of the image are first obtained
by a modified Ledley algorithm in one image scan. A minimal perimeter polygon subjected
to specified constraints is then chosen as the approximating contour. The determination of
the minimal polygon can be reduced to a nonlinear programming problem, solved by an
algorithm which takes into account the weak bonds between variables. Some examples are …
A method for extracting a smooth polygonal contour from a digitized image is illustrated. The ordered sequence of contour points and the connection graph of the image are first obtained by a modified Ledley algorithm in one image scan. A minimal perimeter polygon subjected to specified constraints is then chosen as the approximating contour. The determination of the minimal polygon can be reduced to a nonlinear programming problem, solved by an algorithm which takes into account the weak bonds between variables. Some examples are presented, and the corresponding computing times are listed.
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