Triple-parity RAID and beyond
A Leventhal - Communications of the ACM, 2010 -
A Leventhal
Communications of the ACM, 2010•dl.acm.orgTriple-parity RAID and beyond Page 1 58 communicATions of THe Acm | jANuARy 2010 | Vol. 53
| No. 1 practice Ill us tra t Ion b y G ar y ne Ill How MUCH LonGeR will current RAID techniques
persevere? the RAID levels were codified in the late 1980s; double-parity RAID, known as
RAID-6, is the current standard for high-availability, spaceefficient storage. the incredible
growth of harddrive capacities, however, could impose serious limitations on the reliability even
of RAID-6 systems. Recent trends in hard drives show that triple-parity RAID must soon …
| No. 1 practice Ill us tra t Ion b y G ar y ne Ill How MUCH LonGeR will current RAID techniques
persevere? the RAID levels were codified in the late 1980s; double-parity RAID, known as
RAID-6, is the current standard for high-availability, spaceefficient storage. the incredible
growth of harddrive capacities, however, could impose serious limitations on the reliability even
of RAID-6 systems. Recent trends in hard drives show that triple-parity RAID must soon …
As hard-drive capacities continue to outpace their throughput, the time has come for a new level of RAID.