Graph diffusion distance: A difference measure for weighted graphs based on the graph Laplacian exponential kernel

DK Hammond, Y Gur… - 2013 IEEE global …, 2013 -
DK Hammond, Y Gur, CR Johnson
2013 IEEE global conference on signal and information processing,
We propose a novel difference metric, called the graph diffusion distance (GDD), for
quantifying the difference between two weighted graphs with the same number of vertices.
Our approach is based on measuring the average similarity of heat diffusion on each graph.
We compute the graph Laplacian exponential kernel matrices, corresponding to repeatedly
solving the heat diffusion problem with initial conditions localized to single vertices. The
GDD is then given by the Frobenius norm of the difference of the kernels, at the diffusion …
We propose a novel difference metric, called the graph diffusion distance (GDD), for quantifying the difference between two weighted graphs with the same number of vertices. Our approach is based on measuring the average similarity of heat diffusion on each graph. We compute the graph Laplacian exponential kernel matrices, corresponding to repeatedly solving the heat diffusion problem with initial conditions localized to single vertices. The GDD is then given by the Frobenius norm of the difference of the kernels, at the diffusion time yielding the maximum difference. We study properties of the proposed distance on both synthetic examples, and on real-data graphs representing human anatomical brain connectivity.