The pT spectrum in heavy-flavour hadroproduction
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998•
We consider the transverse-momentum distribution of heavy flavours in hadronic collisions.
We present a formalism in which large transverse-momentum logarithms are resummed at
the next-to-leading level, and mass effects are included exactly up to order α3 s, so as to
retain predictivity at both small and large transverse momenta. As an example, we apply our
formalism to b production at the Tevatron.
We present a formalism in which large transverse-momentum logarithms are resummed at
the next-to-leading level, and mass effects are included exactly up to order α3 s, so as to
retain predictivity at both small and large transverse momenta. As an example, we apply our
formalism to b production at the Tevatron.
We consider the transverse-momentum distribution of heavy flavours in hadronic collisions. We present a formalism in which large transverse-momentum logarithms are resummed at the next-to-leading level, and mass effects are included exactly up to order α3 s, so as to retain predictivity at both small and large transverse momenta. As an example, we apply our formalism to b production at the Tevatron.