Transistor behavior via Au clusters etched from electrodes in an acidic gating solution: Metal nanoparticles mimicking conducting polymers
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2005•APS
We report that the electrical conductance between closely spaced gold electrodes in acid
solution can be turned from off [insulating; I] to on [conducting; C] to off again by
monotonically sweeping a gate voltage applied to the solution. We propose that this ICI
transistor action is due to an electrochemical process dependent on nanoparticles etched
from the surface of the gold electrodes. These measurements mimic closely the
characteristics of nanoscale acid-gated polyaniline transistors, so that researchers should …
solution can be turned from off [insulating; I] to on [conducting; C] to off again by
monotonically sweeping a gate voltage applied to the solution. We propose that this ICI
transistor action is due to an electrochemical process dependent on nanoparticles etched
from the surface of the gold electrodes. These measurements mimic closely the
characteristics of nanoscale acid-gated polyaniline transistors, so that researchers should …
We report that the electrical conductance between closely spaced gold electrodes in acid solution can be turned from off [insulating; I] to on [conducting; C] to off again by monotonically sweeping a gate voltage applied to the solution. We propose that this ICI transistor action is due to an electrochemical process dependent on nanoparticles etched from the surface of the gold electrodes. These measurements mimic closely the characteristics of nanoscale acid-gated polyaniline transistors, so that researchers should guard against misinterpreting this effect in future molecular-electronics experiments.
American Physical Society