Numerical analysis for the interaction of mean curvature flow and diffusion on closed surfaces
Numerische Mathematik, 2022•Springer
An evolving surface finite element discretisation is analysed for the evolution of a closed two-
dimensional surface governed by a system coupling a generalised forced mean curvature
flow and a reaction–diffusion process on the surface, inspired by a gradient flow of a
coupled energy. Two algorithms are proposed, both based on a system coupling the
diffusion equation to evolution equations for geometric quantities in the velocity law for the
surface. One of the numerical methods is proved to be convergent in the H 1 norm with …
dimensional surface governed by a system coupling a generalised forced mean curvature
flow and a reaction–diffusion process on the surface, inspired by a gradient flow of a
coupled energy. Two algorithms are proposed, both based on a system coupling the
diffusion equation to evolution equations for geometric quantities in the velocity law for the
surface. One of the numerical methods is proved to be convergent in the H 1 norm with …
An evolving surface finite element discretisation is analysed for the evolution of a closed two-dimensional surface governed by a system coupling a generalised forced mean curvature flow and a reaction–diffusion process on the surface, inspired by a gradient flow of a coupled energy. Two algorithms are proposed, both based on a system coupling the diffusion equation to evolution equations for geometric quantities in the velocity law for the surface. One of the numerical methods is proved to be convergent in the norm with optimal-order for finite elements of degree at least two. We present numerical experiments illustrating the convergence behaviour and demonstrating the qualitative properties of the flow: preservation of mean convexity, loss of convexity, weak maximum principles, and the occurrence of self-intersections.