NUIG-Shubhanker@ Dravidian-CodeMix-FIRE2020: sentiment analysis of code-mixed dravidian text using XLNet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07773, 2020•
Social media has penetrated into multilingual societies, however most of them use English
to be a preferred language for communication. So it looks natural for them to mix their
cultural language with English during conversations resulting in abundance of multilingual
data, call this code-mixed data, available in todays' world. Downstream NLP tasks using
such data is challenging due to the semantic nature of it being spread across multiple
languages. One such Natural Language Processing task is sentiment analysis, for this we …
to be a preferred language for communication. So it looks natural for them to mix their
cultural language with English during conversations resulting in abundance of multilingual
data, call this code-mixed data, available in todays' world. Downstream NLP tasks using
such data is challenging due to the semantic nature of it being spread across multiple
languages. One such Natural Language Processing task is sentiment analysis, for this we …
Social media has penetrated into multilingual societies, however most of them use English to be a preferred language for communication. So it looks natural for them to mix their cultural language with English during conversations resulting in abundance of multilingual data, call this code-mixed data, available in todays' world.Downstream NLP tasks using such data is challenging due to the semantic nature of it being spread across multiple languages.One such Natural Language Processing task is sentiment analysis, for this we use an auto-regressive XLNet model to perform sentiment analysis on code-mixed Tamil-English and Malayalam-English datasets.