[HTML][HTML] Consequences of the order of the limit of infinite spacetime volume and the sum over topological sectors for CP violation in the strong interactions

WY Ai, JS Cruz, B Garbrecht, C Tamarit - Physics Letters B, 2021 - Elsevier
WY Ai, JS Cruz, B Garbrecht, C Tamarit
Physics Letters B, 2021Elsevier
We derive correlation functions for massive fermions with a complex mass in the presence of
a general vacuum angle. For this purpose, we first build the Green's functions in the one-
instanton background and then sum over the configurations of background instantons. The
quantization of topological sectors follows for saddle points of finite Euclidean action in an
infinite spacetime volume and the fluctuations about these. For the resulting correlation
functions, we therefore take the infinite-volume limit before summing over topological …
We derive correlation functions for massive fermions with a complex mass in the presence of a general vacuum angle. For this purpose, we first build the Green's functions in the one-instanton background and then sum over the configurations of background instantons. The quantization of topological sectors follows for saddle points of finite Euclidean action in an infinite spacetime volume and the fluctuations about these. For the resulting correlation functions, we therefore take the infinite-volume limit before summing over topological sectors. In contrast to the opposite order of limits, the chiral phases from the mass terms and from the instanton effects then are aligned so that, in absence of additional phases, these do not give rise to observables violating charge-parity symmetry. This result is confirmed when constraining the correlations at coincident points by using the index theorem instead of instanton calculus.