Voice output from IBM system/360
AB Urquhart - Proceedings of the November 30--December 1, 1965 …, 1965 - dl.acm.org
… voice output as will be described later in this article. There are three basic sections to each
device— input, output, … basic commands used in IBM System/360 for communication devices. …
device— input, output, … basic commands used in IBM System/360 for communication devices. …
On the feasibility of voice input to an on-line computer processing system
HA Elder - Communications of the ACM, 1970 - dl.acm.org
… samples, and the vertical deflection recorded the voice signal presented to the A/D converter.
This … , they were punched out on cards in a format suitable for use with the IBM System/360: …
This … , they were punched out on cards in a format suitable for use with the IBM System/360: …
IBM 2750 Voice and Data Switching System: System Generation and Simulation
D Lake - IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology, 1971 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The system generation program itself runs under control of operating system 360 on a
system 360 computer using as inputs a generalized 2750 program package and a set of …
system 360 computer using as inputs a generalized 2750 program package and a set of …
System/360: A retrospective view
BO Evans - Annals of the History of Computing, 1986 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… , the 1961 IBM task group recommendations for IBM’s future processor products that led to the
System/360. Bob … Evans was born in A new voice was calling. Small groups of researchers …
System/360. Bob … Evans was born in A new voice was calling. Small groups of researchers …
[PDF][PDF] IBM mainframe operating systems: Timeline and brief explanation for the IBM System/360 and beyond
D Morton - Dave Morton Writing Services, April, 2015 - vtda.org
… to both the hardware and software architecture of the original IBM System/360. IBM Motto …
This document focuses primarily on the IBM System/360 and its successors not on Hercules …
This document focuses primarily on the IBM System/360 and its successors not on Hercules …
IBM 2750 voice and data switching system: Organization and functions
B Corby - IBM Journal of Research and Development, 1969 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… an IBM System/360 is available through which the data processing and line switching functions
can interact on each other: for example, the System/360 … The voice and data functions are …
can interact on each other: for example, the System/360 … The voice and data functions are …
[PDF][PDF] A British Multi-Access System on an IBM System/360 Computer
I Pyle - Current Trends in Computer Sciences Applications, 2019 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
… install an IBM System/360 followed naturally from the previous extensive experience of IBM
… of a modem’s whistle rather than a human voice. However, the telephone link stayed up for …
… of a modem’s whistle rather than a human voice. However, the telephone link stayed up for …
[PDF][PDF] A General FORTRAN computer program for use with the IBM 2250 Display Unit.
HL Morrison - 1970 - calhoun.nps.edu
… Repeat steps 4 and 5 as desired The user pushes key 18 to transfer the alphameric
output from the intermediate disc storage to the OUTl array. The alarm will sound to indicate …
output from the intermediate disc storage to the OUTl array. The alarm will sound to indicate …
C Crabtree, K Hunter - users.cs.jmu.edu
… IBM System/360 series. These systems would eventually establish 32 bits as the standard in
computing. In 1964 a detailed description of the architecture of the System/360 … to a sound …
computing. In 1964 a detailed description of the architecture of the System/360 … to a sound …