The theory and practice of SALT

A Bauer, M Leucker - NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2011 - Springer
… freely available from the project web site, including an interactive web interface to test … the
compiler. This tutorial paper details on the theoretical foundations of Salt as well as its practical

Predicting salt damage in practice: a theoretical insight into laboratory tests

RJ Flatt, N Aly Mohamed, F Caruso, H Derluyn… - RILEM Technical …, 2017 -
… compile theoretical insights regarding factors that influence the resistance of masonry to salt
… from contact with the wall has a higher energy than the sum of the existing salt/solution and …

Genetics of salt tolerance in higher plants: theoretical and practical considerations

M Tal - Biosalinity in Action: Bioproduction with Saline Water, 1985 - Springer
… of the genetic, physiological, and ecological aspects of salt … on the genetic control of salt
tolerance and (2) the … central to the control of salt resistance as expressed by the amount …

In vitro selection for salt tolerance in crop plants: theoretical and practical considerations

M Tal - In Vitro–Plant, 1994 - Springer
The successful production of salt-tolerant … of the mechanisms of salt tolerance operating
in cultured cells operate also in cells of the whole plant; and b) although the genetics of salt

[BOOK][B] Salt tectonics: Principles and practice

MPA Jackson, MR Hudec - 2017 -
… Now, for the first time, the fruits of these labors are available to thethe full spectrum of the
salt tectonics, from evaporite deposition through salt structures, salt systems and the practical

Density functional theories of surface interactions in salt solutions

J Forsman - The Journal of chemical physics, 2009 -
… ions of the same valency, α ⁠, in a salt solution, can be analyzed and approximated in
terms of correlations within a corresponding OCP model. The OCP is treated with the hole …

Salt intake in children 10–12 years old and its modification by active working practices in a school garden

J Cotter, MJ Cotter, P Oliveira, P Cunha… - Journal of …, 2013 -
The aim of this work was focused on the evaluation of salt intake in a school community of …
the north of Portugal. We also studied the influence of some lessons about the dangers of salt

Organisational labour migration: theory and practice in the United Kingdom

J Salt - Labour migration, 2018 -
… degree of openness of ports of entry into the various occupations and levels that characterise
the ILM. The aim of this chapter is to indicate the importance in labour migration of the

Salt damage at Cleeve Abbey, England: Part I: a comparison of theoretical predictions and practical observations

A Sawdy, C Price - Journal of cultural heritage, 2005 - Elsevier
the salt-contaminated object is less at risk of salt damage. This paper discusses the application
of the … an insight into the salt deterioration problems affecting the C13th wall paintings in …

[PDF][PDF] A response to student theory illiteracy in the social and behavioral sciences: The SALT model

C Gentle-Genitty, H Chen - Center for Scholastic Inquiry's …, 2013 -
Theories to redress for the shortcomings of any given theory. In this paper the authors present
the SALT … Using the findings, the authors suggest students overwhelmingly believed that …