A note on many· one reducibility
SC Liu - The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1963 - cambridge.org
In this note we partly answer a question left open in [1, p. 52] by proving the following
theorem.Theorem. Supposep0≧2, ωn+1·p0≦σ<ωn+1(p0+1). Then W(σ) is uniformly many-one …
theorem.Theorem. Supposep0≧2, ωn+1·p0≦σ<ωn+1(p0+1). Then W(σ) is uniformly many-one …
Proof of a conjecture of Routledge
SC Liu - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1960 - JSTOR
It is noted that this number x can always be found. For, obviously there exists a number u*
such that the pr function< 1 (u*, a) has the property (p1 (u*, ac)= a_-for i= 1,***, r; then the …
such that the pr function< 1 (u*, a) has the property (p1 (u*, ac)= a_-for i= 1,***, r; then the …
On many-one degrees1
SC Liu - The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1963 - cambridge.org
Two questions were left open in [1]. 1) Do W(σ) and W(r) have the same many-one degree for
any σ, τ such that ωη+1.2 ≤ σ < τ < ωη+2? 2) Is W(σ) many-one reducible to W(r) for any σ, …
any σ, τ such that ωη+1.2 ≤ σ < τ < ωη+2? 2) Is W(σ) many-one reducible to W(r) for any σ, …
An enumeration of the primitive recursive functions without repetition
S Liu - Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series, 1960 - jstage.jst.go.jp
In a theorem and its corollary [1] Friedberg gave an enumeration of all the recursively enumerable
sets without repetition and an enumeration of all the partial recursive functions without …
sets without repetition and an enumeration of all the partial recursive functions without …
A theorem on general recursive functions
S Liu - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1960 - JSTOR
Let 0 (n', x) stand for sg (A (n'))* x+ sg (B (n'))* K ((n') i) and 8 (n') stand for sg (A (n')). 2 (') o.
3 (n') 1+ 1. Then the definition of g can be writ-ten as g (0) 0, g (n) O= M ('(Wn') where 0 (n, x) …
3 (n') 1+ 1. Then the definition of g can be writ-ten as g (0) 0, g (n) O= M ('(Wn') where 0 (n, x) …
A proof-theoretic approach to non-standard analysis with emphasis on distinguishing between constructive and non-constructive results
SC Liu - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 1980 - Elsevier
In this paper a constant, namely an operation without variables, is defined in the Zermelo-Fraenkel
set theory ZF. This constant, which we denote by ∞, is such that (1) ∞ ∈ ω ⊂R and (2…
set theory ZF. This constant, which we denote by ∞, is such that (1) ∞ ∈ ω ⊂R and (2…
On the Analytic and the Synthetic
L Shih-Chao - The Philosophical Review, 1956 - JSTOR
TNA PAIR of articles,'Professors White and Quine have e I eight definitions of the term"
analytic" and after giving considera-tion to each, they assert that all these definitions are …
analytic" and after giving considera-tion to each, they assert that all these definitions are …
A proof-theoretic approach to non standard analysis (continued)
SC Liu - Models and Sets: Proceedings of the Logic Colloquium …, 1984 - Springer
This talk is based upon my previous paper [1], namely" A prooftheoretic approach to non-standard
analysis with emphasis on distinguishing between constructive and non-constructive …
analysis with emphasis on distinguishing between constructive and non-constructive …
[CITATION][C] Four types of general recursive well-orderings.
SC Liu - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1962 - projecteuclid.org
76 SHIH-CHAO LIU those of the preceding type. Examples of gr well-ordering for each of the
four types are given in this note. Theorem 1 shows that gr well-orderings of type IV give only …
four types are given in this note. Theorem 1 shows that gr well-orderings of type IV give only …
[CITATION][C] Hyperarithmetical quantifiers
C Spector, SC Liu - Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1966 - philpapers.org
S. Feferman and C. Spector. Incompleteness along paths in progressions of theories. The
journal of symbolic logic, vol. 27 no. 4, pp. 383–390. RA DiPaola-1967-Journal of Symbolic …
journal of symbolic logic, vol. 27 no. 4, pp. 383–390. RA DiPaola-1967-Journal of Symbolic …