Earlybird: Real-time search at twitter

…, K Gade, B Larson, P Lok, S Luckenbill… - 2012 ieee 28th …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The web today is increasingly characterized by social and real-time signals, which we
believe represent two frontiers in information retrieval. In this paper, we present Early bird, the …

Quantifying Luckenbill

LD Savitz, KS Kumar, MA Zahn - Deviant Behavior, 1991 - Taylor & Francis
Luckenbill, in 1977, proposed a singular model of murder based on "character contests"
occurring between murderers and their victims. We explore the issue if Luckenbill's analysis is …

[BOOK][B] The annals of Sennacherib

DD Luckenbill - 1924 - books.google.com
In his Preface the author is, I believe, supposed to justify his infliction of another book upon
a long-suffering world, and, having mollified the righteous wrath of his prospective reader, to …

[PDF][PDF] Ancient Records of

DD Luckenbill - Assyrian II, 1926 - academia.edu
… Bit-Iakin, north and south, as far as the cities of Sam'una, Bab-duri, Dur-Telite, Bube, Til-Humba,
which is (are) on the border of Elam, I brought completely under my sway. The people of …

RALF: Reliability analysis for logic faults—An exact algorithm and its applications

S Luckenbill, JY Lee, Y Hu… - … Design, Automation & …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Reliability analysis for a logic circuit is one of the primary tasks in fault-tolerant logic synthesis.
Given a fault model, it quantifies the impact of faults on the full-chip fault rate. We present …

[BOOK][B] Evaluation of the service performance of an innovative precast prestressed concrete pavement

GC Luckenbill - 2009 - search.proquest.com
… Many dedicated individuals from MoDOT and FHWA have demonstrated strong commitments
to the advancement of new technologies, specifically John Donahue of MoDOT and Sam

The" Wandering Aramaean"

DD Luckenbill - The American Journal of Semitic …, 1920 - journals.uchicago.edu
For many years the problem of the relationship between the Iabbiri (SA-GAZ) of the Amarna
Letters and the Hebrews (t': Y) of the Old Testament writings engaged the attention of biblical …

Criminal homicide as a situated transaction

DF Luckenbill - Social problems, 1977 - academic.oup.com
I will examine the organization and development of seventy transactions ending in murder.
In all seventy cases, murder was the culmination of an interchange between an offender and …

[PDF][PDF] Notes on the Assyrian Historical Texts

DD Luckenbill - The American Journal of Semitic …, 1927 - journals.uchicago.edu
… BY DD LUCKENBILL … u-sam-di-vP-iz for usa'disi. L. 98, end: lu e-rtapl-ds, cf. … The first two
signs seem to be the end of [ui-sam]rki-tul, and the other two may be part of la-a ma[gi-ri-su]. L. …

[PDF][PDF] The temples of Babylonia and Assyria

DD Luckenbill - The American Journal of Semitic …, 1908 - journals.uchicago.edu
Tt is the purpose of this article to put into the hand of the student of Assyriology an outline
sketch of the history of the temples of Babylonia and Assyria. Accordingly a special efi ort has …