[PDF][PDF] Approximating averages of geometrical and combinatorial quantities

K Barhum - 2007 - wisdom.weizmann.ac.il
We look into the problem of estimating the average of quantities relating to combinatorial
and geometrical objects. In all the cases we study it is possible to get the exact average of …

Tradeoffs Between Computational Complexity and Information Content

K Barhum - 2015 - research-collection.ethz.ch
In this dissertation, we study trade-offs between computational complexity and information
content of problems arising in different facets of theoretical computer science. In the first part of …

On the power of advice and randomization for the disjoint path allocation problem

K Barhum, HJ Böckenhauer, M Forišek… - SOFSEM 2014: Theory …, 2014 - Springer
In the disjoint path allocation problem, we consider a path of L + 1 vertices, representing the
nodes in a communication network. Requests for an unbounded-time communication …

Tight bounds for the advice complexity of the online minimum steiner tree problem

K Barhum - International Conference on Current Trends in Theory …, 2014 - Springer
In this work, we study the advice complexity of the online minimum Steiner tree problem ( ST
). Given a (known) graph G = (V,E) endowed with a weight function on the edges, a set of N …

UOWHFs from OWFs: Trading regularity for efficiency

K Barhum, U Maurer - Progress in Cryptology–LATINCRYPT 2012: 2nd …, 2012 - Springer
A universal one-way hash function (UOWHF) is a shrinking function for which finding a
second preimage is infeasible. A UOWHF, a fundamental cryptographic primitive from which …

On approximating the average distance between points

K Barhum, O Goldreich, A Shraibman - … , Princeton, NJ, USA, August 20-22 …, 2007 - Springer
We consider the problem of approximating the average distance between pairs of points in
a high-dimensional Euclidean space, and more generally in any metric space. We consider …

A cookbook for black-box separations and a recipe for UOWHFs

K Barhum, T Holenstein - Theory of Cryptography Conference, 2013 - Springer
We present a new framework for proving fully black-box separations and lower bounds. We
prove a general theorem that facilitates the proofs of fully black-box lower bounds from a one-…

On the Power of Laconic Advice in Communication Complexity

K Barhum, J Hromkovič - International Conference on Current Trends in …, 2016 - Springer
We continue the study of a recently introduced model of communication complexity with
advice, focusing on the power of advice in the context of equality of bitstrings and divisibility of …

[PDF][PDF] Non-Malleable Codes and Public-Key Encryption

S Coretti - 2016 - research-collection.ethz.ch
… This holds particularly true for Kfir Barhum, for my long-time roommates Luka Cuderman
and Matias Thalmann, and for Claudia Jann, Loris Lago, Mia Meng, Fabrizio Pedrun, and …

[BOOK][B] Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010: 16th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Singapore …

M Abe - 2010 - books.google.com
… Gautham Sekar Pouyan Sepehrdad Yannick Seurin Hovav Shacham Siamak Fayyaz
Shahandashti Emily Shen Barhum Kfir Shlomo Adam Smith Boyeon Song Paul Stankovski Peter …