Reducing social network dimensions using matrix factorization methods
V Snášel, Z Horák, J Kocibova… - … on Advances in Social …, 2009 -
Since the availability of social networks data and the range of these data have significantly
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper we address …
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper we address …
Analyzing social networks using FCA: complexity aspects
V Snásel, Z Horák, J Kocibova… - 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2009 -
Since the availability of social networks data and the range of these data have significantly
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper we address …
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper we address …
Web page analysis: experiments based on discussion and purchase Web patterns
J Kocibova, K Klos, O Lehecka… - 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2007 -
In this paper we introduce experiments with our method used for analysis and evaluation of
Web pages. This method is based on Web patterns. The Web patterns which are used by the …
Web pages. This method is based on Web patterns. The Web patterns which are used by the …
Web Page Analysis: Experiments Based on Web Patterns
K Klos, J Kocibova, O Lehecka… - 2007 Innovations in …, 2007 -
In this paper we introduce experiments with our method used for the analysis and evaluation
of Web pages. The method is built on a silent agreement between Web designers and users…
of Web pages. The method is built on a silent agreement between Web designers and users…
[BOOK][B] Improvements Quality of Kohonen Maps Using Dimension Reduction Methods
The performance of Self Organizing Map (SOM) is always influenced by learn methods. The
resultant quality of the SOM is also highly dependent onto the learning rate and the …
resultant quality of the SOM is also highly dependent onto the learning rate and the …
On social networks reduction
Since the availability of social networks data and the range of these data have significantly
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper, we use combination …
grown in recent years, new aspects have to be considered. In this paper, we use combination …
Tensor Decomposition for 3D Bars Problem
In this paper, we compare performance of several dimension reduction techniques, namely
SVD, NMF and SDD. The qualitative comparison is evaluated on a collection of bars. We …
SVD, NMF and SDD. The qualitative comparison is evaluated on a collection of bars. We …
[CITATION][C] Baca, Radim, 71
… Kocıbová, Jana, 49 Kopecký Michal, 1 Krátký, Michal, 71 Krömer, Pavel, 49, 61 …
Projekt marketingových aktivit v oblasti sponzoringu a reklamy házenkářského klubu Zubří
K Kočíbová - 2009 -
Diplomová práce se zabývá marketingovými aktivitami se specifickým zaměřením na ob-last
sponzoringu a reklamy. Teoretická část práce je věnována sportu a sportovnímu mar-…
sponzoringu a reklamy. Teoretická část práce je věnována sportu a sportovnímu mar-…
[PDF][PDF] Tvorba a realizace tanečního příměstského táboru
P Kočíbová -
Práce je zaměřena na využití tance v programu příměstského táboru. Program bude
sestaven s pomocí sady doporučení pro pořádání tanečního příměstského táboru. Tuto sadu …
sestaven s pomocí sady doporučení pro pořádání tanečního příměstského táboru. Tuto sadu …