Harnessing computer games in education

MSY Jong, J Shang, FL Lee, JHM Lee - International Journal of …, 2008 - igi-global.com
Besides the ability of making learning more interesting, educators and researchers have
been exploring other pedagogical potentials of computer games. How to employ games for …

FARMTASIA: an online game-based learning environment based on the VISOLE pedagogy

KKF Cheung, MSY Jong, FL Lee, JHM Lee, ETH Luk… - Virtual Reality, 2008 - Springer
Virtual interactive student-oriented learning environment (VISOLE) is a game-based
constructivist pedagogical approach that encompasses the creation of an online interactive world …

[PDF][PDF] Problem complexity: A measure of problem difficulty in algebra by using computer

FL Lee, R Heyworth - … -HONG KONG-CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG …, 2000 - Citeseer
The present study describes how a measure of problem difficulty, called the problem
complexity, can be developed. Four problem difficulty factors for a topic in mathematics were …

Learning online: A comparative study of a situated game-based approach and a traditional web-based approach

MSY Jong, JJ Shang, FL Lee, JHM Lee… - Technologies for E …, 2006 - Springer
“Online Learning” has been commonly viewed as a mechanism for empowering improved
learning outcome, increased flexibility of aligning the individual need of learners, and better …

Constructivist learning through computer gaming

MSY Jong, J Shang, F Lee - Technologies shaping instruction and …, 2010 - igi-global.com
Apart from the ability of computer games to make learning more interesting, a number of
researchers and educators have been exploring other educational potentials of computer games…

Folklore-based learning on the web—pedagogy, case study, and evaluation

JHM Lee, FL Lee, TS Lau - Journal of Educational …, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
Folklore-based learning is a kind of situated learning paradigm in which students learn by
solving problems embedded in a near-real situation. The proposed learning approach …

Diagnosing students' Algebra errors on the Web

FL Lee - International Conference on Computers in Education …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electronic Homework was an intelligent tutoring system that runs on stand-alone computers
initially and is now migrated to the Web to provide an on-line homework tutorial. The system …

VISOLE: A constructivist pedagogical approach to game-based learning

MSY Jong, J Shang, FL Lee, JHM Lee - Collective intelligence and e …, 2010 - igi-global.com
VISOLE (Virtual Interactive Student-Oriented Learning Environment) is a constructivist
pedagogical approach to empower computer game-based learning. This approach encompasses …

Electronic homework

FL Lee, RM Heyworth - Journal of Educational Computing …, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
Homework, traditionally done with pencil and paper, can be an effective means of helping
students to consolidate what they have learned. When students have problems, some …

A pilot study on virtual interactive student-oriented learning environment

…, MSY Jong, FL Lee, JHM Lee - 2007 First IEEE …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To make full use of the power of the Web, a new game-based situated learning paradigm -
VISOLE (virtual interactive student-oriented learning environment) for Web-based teaching …