Priority search trees
EM McCreight - SIAM Journal on Computing, 1985 - SIAM
… Results almost as good as this have been discovered previously by McCreight [3] and … A
result similar to this is attributedto McCreight in [2], and that earlier data structure bears a striking …
result similar to this is attributedto McCreight in [2], and that earlier data structure bears a striking …
A space-economical suffix tree construction algorithm
EM McCreight - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1976 -
A new algorithm is presented for constructing auxiliary digital search trees to aid in exact-match
substring searching. This algorithm has the same asymptotic running time bound as …
substring searching. This algorithm has the same asymptotic running time bound as …
A new representation for linear lists
LJ Guibas, EM McCreight, MF Plass… - Proceedings of the ninth …, 1977 -
We present a new data structure for maintaining a set of records in a linear list according to
their key values. This data structure has the property that we can keep a number of fingers at …
their key values. This data structure has the property that we can keep a number of fingers at …
Classes of computable functions defined by bounds on computation: preliminary report
EM McCreight, AR Meyer - Proceedings of the first annual ACM …, 1969 -
The structure of the functions computable in time or space bounded by t is investigated for
recursive functions t. The t-computable classes are shown to be closed under increasing …
recursive functions t. The t-computable classes are shown to be closed under increasing …
The dragon computer system
EM McCreight - Microarchitecture of VLSI Computers, 1985 - Springer
Dragon is a new computer system being designed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
In many ways Dragon is the newest descendant in the line of research personal computers …
In many ways Dragon is the newest descendant in the line of research personal computers …
The dragon processor
RR Atkinson, EM McCreight - ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 1987 -
… Earlier overviews of the Dragon system appeared in [McCreight 85] and [Monier 85]. …
Ed Fiala contributed to the instruction set and diagnostics. … Proceedings of the NATO …
Ed Fiala contributed to the instruction set and diagnostics. … Proceedings of the NATO …
Pagination of B*-trees with variable-length records
EM McCreight - Communications of the ACM, 1977 -
A strategy is presented for pagination of B * -trees with variable-length records. If records of
each length are uniformly distributed within the file, and if a wide distribution of record …
each length are uniformly distributed within the file, and if a wide distribution of record …
[BOOK][B] The mechanized verification of garbage collector implementations
AE McCreight - 2008 -
… for my dissertation are available online [McCreight 2008]. The research regarding garbage
collector interfaces described in this dissertation was first published in McCreight et al. [2007]. …
collector interfaces described in this dissertation was first published in McCreight et al. [2007]. …
[PDF][PDF] State Humanities Committees (1979-1982): Correspondence 14
BK McCreight - 1979 -
At a meeting this week the Executive Ccitmtittee of the Federation of Public Prog· rams in the
Humanities consi~ ered the 1> roposal which we u_nderstand that your staff has made for …
Humanities consi~ ered the 1> roposal which we u_nderstand that your staff has made for …
Recent advances in the seakeeping assessment of ships
KK McCREIGHT - Naval Engineers Journal, 1985 -
… These averages are based on all the operating conditions considered in this study. As can
be seen, pitch, roll, and slams are the most frequently limiting criteria. Since short crested …
be seen, pitch, roll, and slams are the most frequently limiting criteria. Since short crested …