[HTML][HTML] First polarimetric GNSS-R measurements from a stratospheric flight over boreal forests
H Carreno-Luengo, A Amèzaga, D Vidal, R Olivé… - Remote Sensing, 2015 - mdpi.com
The first-ever dual-frequency multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Reflectometry (GNSS-R) polarimetric measurements over boreal forests and lakes from the …
Reflectometry (GNSS-R) polarimetric measurements over boreal forests and lakes from the …
3CAT-2: Attitude Determination and Control System for a GNSS-R Earth Observation 6U CubeSat Mission
…, J Jané, E Juan, R Olivé, A Amézaga… - European journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This work describes the attitude determination and control system (ADCS) of 3 CAT-2, a six-unit
CubeSat scheduled for launch this 2016. The ADCS of 3 CAT-2 aims at controlling the …
CubeSat scheduled for launch this 2016. The ADCS of 3 CAT-2 aims at controlling the …
Implementation of a GNSS-R payload based on software-defined radio for the 3CAT-2 mission
R Olivé, A Amézaga, H Carreno-Luengo… - IEEE Journal of …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The 3 CAT-2 nanosatellite aims at demonstrating global navigation satellite system
reflectometry (GNSS-R) techniques for spaceborne applications in the small form of a six-unit …
reflectometry (GNSS-R) techniques for spaceborne applications in the small form of a six-unit …
Development of a dynamically re-configurable radio-frequency interference detection system for L-Band microwave radiometers
A Perez-Portero, J Querol, A Mas-Vinolas, A Amezaga… - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
Real-Time RFI Detection and Flagging (RT-RDF) for microwave radiometers is a versatile
new FPGA algorithm designed to detect and flag Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) in …
new FPGA algorithm designed to detect and flag Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) in …
3CAT-2: A 6U CubeSat-based multi-constellation, dual-polarization, and dual-frequency GNSS-R and GNSS-RO experimental mission
H Carreno-Luengo, A Amèzaga, A Bolet… - … and Remote Sensing …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
3 Cat-2 Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) activities of the Engineering Model (EM)
and the Flight Model (FM) are being carried out at present. The Attitude Determination and …
and the Flight Model (FM) are being carried out at present. The Attitude Determination and …
A Multi-Frequency SDR-Based GBSAR: System Overview and First Results
A Amézaga, C López-Martínez, R Jové - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
This work describes a system-level overview of a multi-frequency GBSAR built around a
high performance software defined radio (SDR). The main goal of the instrument is to be …
high performance software defined radio (SDR). The main goal of the instrument is to be …
3Cat-1 project: a multi-payload CubeSat for scientific experiments and technology demonstrators
…, P Via, A Solanellas, A Amézaga… - European Journal of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article introduces 3 Cat-1, the first project of the Technical University of Catalonia to
build and launch a nano-satellite. Its main scope is to develop, construct, assemble, test and …
build and launch a nano-satellite. Its main scope is to develop, construct, assemble, test and …
Multi-constellation, dual-polarization, and dual-frequency GNSS-R stratospheric balloon experiment over boreal forests
H Carreno-Luengo, A Amèzaga, A Bolet… - … and Remote Sensing …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Scientific evaluation of the 3 Cat-2 payload (PYCARO reflectometer) has been performed
from the BEXUS 19 stratospheric balloon flight with an apogee of ~ 27,000 m over boreal …
from the BEXUS 19 stratospheric balloon flight with an apogee of ~ 27,000 m over boreal …
Ground-based soil moisture retrieval using the correlation between dual-polarization GNSS-R interference patterns
…, OAL Camargo, A Amezaga-Sarries… - … on Geoscience and …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Soil moisture (SM) is an important state variable in land surface models. Here, we investigate
the potential of a ground-based global navigation satellite system receiver with two linearly …
the potential of a ground-based global navigation satellite system receiver with two linearly …
The 3Cat-2 project: GNSS-R In-Orbit demonstrator for earth observation
…, R Olivé Muñiz, A Amézaga Sarries… - The 4S Symposium …, 2014 - upcommons.upc.edu
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) – BarcelonaTech Remote Sensing Laboratory
focus on the development of breakthrough concepts. The 3Cat-2 mission is on the synergy of …
focus on the development of breakthrough concepts. The 3Cat-2 mission is on the synergy of …