[PDF][PDF] Mapping and scheduling heterogeneous task graphs using genetic algorithms

H Singh, A Youssef - 5th IEEE heterogeneous computing workshop …, 1996 - seas.gwu.edu
Heterogeneous processing deals with decomposing a general task into code segments of
diverse computation requirements and executing each segment on a machine such that the …

Technical aspects of the digital library of mathematical functions

BR Miller, A Youssef - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2003 - Springer
The NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF) Project, begun in 1997, is
preparing a handbook and Web site intended for wide communities of users. The contents are …

Roles of math search in mathematics

A Youssef - International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge …, 2006 - Springer
Math-aware fine-grain search is expected to be widely available. A key question is what roles
it can play in mathematics. It will be argued that, besides finding information, math search …

Semantification of identifiers in mathematics for better math information retrieval

…, HS Cohl, N Meuschke, B Gipp, AS Youssef… - Proceedings of the 39th …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Mathematical formulae are essential in science, but face challenges of ambiguity, due to the
use of a small number of identifiers to represent an immense number of concepts. …

[PDF][PDF] Image downsampling and upsampling methods

A Youssef - National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1999 - Citeseer
Downsampling and upsampling are widely used in image display, compression, and
progressive transmission. In this paper we examine new down/upsampling methods using …

Anomaly detection in time series of graphs using fusion of graph invariants

Y Park, CE Priebe, A Youssef - IEEE journal of selected topics …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Given a time series of graphs G(t)=(V,E(t)) , t=1,2,... , where the fixed vertex set V represents “actors”
and an edge between vertex u and vertex v at time t(uv ∈ E(t)) represents the …

[PDF][PDF] Anomaly detection using scan statistics on time series hypergraphs

Y Park, C Priebe, D Marchette, A Youssef - … counterterrorism and security …, 2009 - cis.jhu.edu
We present a theory of scan statistics on hypergraphs and apply the methodology to a time
series of email data. This approach is of interest because a hypergraph is better suited to …

Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction

A Greiner-Petter, A Youssef, T Ruas, BR Miller… - Scientometrics, 2020 - Springer
Word embedding, which represents individual words with semantically fixed-length vectors,
has made it possible to successfully apply deep learning to natural language processing …

Morphological word embedding for arabic

RA Salama, A Youssef, A Fahmy - Procedia computer science, 2018 - Elsevier
Word embedding has opened new and exciting avenues for understanding and processing
languages. The simple yet effective word embedding models rapidly became a dominant …

Classification and clustering of arxiv documents, sections, and abstracts, comparing encodings of natural and mathematical language

P Scharpf, M Schubotz, A Youssef, F Hamborg… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we show how selecting and combining encodings of natural and mathematical
language affect classification and clustering of documents with mathematical content. We …