A Zero-Sum Theorem Over Z.

ML Sahs, PA Sissokho, JN Torf - Integers, 2013 - degruyter.com
… Whereas zero-sum sequences are traditionally studied for finite abelian groups such as Z/nZ,
we consider in this paper zero-sum sequences over the infinite group Z. …

Zero-sum problems—a survey

Y Caro - Discrete Mathematics, 1996 - Elsevier
Zero-sum Ramsey theory is a newly established area in combinatorics. It brings to ramsey
theory algebric … (2) Does there exist a graph G such that limsup R(tG, Z,e(G»)/R(tG, 2) > 1? …

Generalizations of some zero sum theorems

MN Chintamani, BK Moriya - Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences, 2012 - Springer
Z/nZ (as an abelian group), we have φ((Z/nZ)∗) ⊂ (Z/mZ)∗ … get an Rn-weighted zero sum
subsequence modulo 5 of length m… are zero modulo 5 and so we are through. Suppose p = 5. If …

[HTML][HTML] Contributions to zero-sum problems

SD Adhikari, YG Chen, JB Friedlander, SV Konyagin… - Discrete …, 2006 - Elsevier
… A prototype of zero-sum theorems, the well-known theorem of … of the question, especially that
for ( Z / p Z ) d , generated a lot of … –Ginzburg–Ziv theorem and prove it in some basic cases. …

On Zero-Sum and Almost Zero-Sum Subgraphs Over

Y Caro, R Yuster - Graphs and Combinatorics, 2016 - Springer
… The main distinction here is that in zero-sum Ramsey theory we cannot get a zero-sum
matching of size \(t \approx n/2\) neither \(t \approx n/|H|\) for \(tH\), rather a fraction smaller than …

Simple strategies for large zero-sum games with applications to complexity theory

RJ Lipton, NE Young - … twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory …, 1994 - dl.acm.org
Theorem guarantees that each player of a zero-sum matrix … this theorem to have many
applications in complexity theory and cryptography. … the circuit complexity of L are both in Z;. …

Flow control using the theory of zero sum Markov games

E Altman - IEEE transactions on automatic control, 1994 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The problem is studied in the framework of zero-sum Markov games, and a value iteration
algorithm is used to solve it. It is shown that there exists an optimal stationary policy (such that …

Zero-sum two-person games

TES Raghavan - Handbook of game theory with economic applications, 1994 - Elsevier
… Clearly z~ Y. Further since the … theorem and Helly's theorem which are needed in the
sequel. We will also stare a geometric theorem on spheres that follows from the above theorem. …

Unification of zero-sum problems, subset sums and covers of

ZW Sun - Electronic Research Announcements of the American …, 2003 - ams.org
Z? The purpose of this paper is to announce a surprising unified theory and embed the study
of zero-sum … In the next section we will present the Main Theorem together with its various …

[PDF][PDF] On zero-sum sequences in Z/nZ⊕ Z/nZ

W Gao, A Geroldinger - Integers, 2003 - emis.dsd.sztaki.hu
… of a minimal zero-sum sequence S in the group Z/nZ⊕Z/nZ equals … zero-sum sequence S
in Z/nZ⊕Z/nZ with length |S| = D(G) contains some element with multiplicity n − 1 (cf. Theorem