A Markovian model of a network of two wireless devices

J Bylina, B Bylina, M Karwacki - … , CN 2012, Szczyrk, Poland, June 19-23 …, 2012 - Springer
J Bylina, B Bylina, M Karwacki
Computer Networks: 19th International Conference, CN 2012, Szczyrk, Poland …, 2012Springer
The authors present a Markovian queuing model of two wireless devices sharing a sending
channel and its behavior during the work. The authors investigate some measures (that is:
the average queue length, the system utilization and the probability of packet loss). To find
these values we compute transient probabilities of all the states of a Markov chain with the
use of uniformization method. The Markov chain represents a queuing model of a system of
two devices mentioned above. The probabilities are used in some analytical formulas for the …
The authors present a Markovian queuing model of two wireless devices sharing a sending channel and its behavior during the work. The authors investigate some measures (that is: the average queue length, the system utilization and the probability of packet loss). To find these values we compute transient probabilities of all the states of a Markov chain with the use of uniformization method. The Markov chain represents a queuing model of a system of two devices mentioned above. The probabilities are used in some analytical formulas for the investigated measures.
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