Value creation and value capture in open innovation

H Chesbrough, C Lettl, T Ritter - Journal of Product Innovation …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
open-innovation projects. We argue that, for a participant, value is not only driven by the value
created … ’s ability to capture the value of other actors’ value creation efforts in subsequent …

[HTML][HTML] Open content and value creation

M Cedergren - 2003 -
… In a commercial value chain, the consumers’ needs trigger the entire chain of value creation.
My studies indicate that an open content value chain is often triggered by what the creators …

Value creation in e‐business

R Amit, C Zott - Strategic management journal, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
… As this example indicates, virtual markets, with their unprecedented reach, connectivity,
and low-cost information processing power, open entirely new possibilities for value creation

Value creation on open government data

J Attard, F Orlandi, S Auer - 2016 49th Hawaii International …, 2016 -
… barriers to the creation of value on top of open government data, and we propose a Value
Creation Assessment Framework to analyse the success of an open government data initiative…

The impact of openness on value co-creation in production networks

T Redlich, P Krenz, SV Basmer, S Buxbaum-Conradi… - Procedia Cirp, 2014 - Elsevier
… the degree of openness in the value creation process is determined by value creation
strategies and activities of the actors. Open value creation strategies focus on customerse benefits …

Open government data and the private sector: An empirical view on business models and value creation

G Magalhaes, C Roseira - Government Information Quarterly, 2020 - Elsevier
value creation in the commercial use of open government data by analyzing the use of open
… on how, in fact, firms create value from open government data use. Additionally, our findings …

Understanding the main drivers of value creation in an open innovation program

R Herskovits, M Grijalbo, J Tafur - International Entrepreneurship and …, 2013 - Springer
… , thus giving rise to new drivers for value creation. These value drivers have an impact on the
… In this paper we explore the close relationship between open innovation and value creation

Co‐creation of value by open innovation: Unlocking new sources of competitive advantage

MG Martinez - Agribusiness, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
… This paper looks at this new perspective in value creation where personalized consumer
experience takes central stage as opposed to a product and firm-centric view. Through an …

The effect of selective openness on value creation in user innovation communities

K Balka, C Raasch, C Herstatt - Journal of Product Innovation …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Open innovation research and practice recognize the important role of external complementors
in value creation… over some essential components to capture value from their product and/…

Value creation in open-source hardware communities: Case study of Open Source Ecology

M Moritz, T Redlich, PP Grames… - … on Management of …, 2016 -
… This case study describes and analyzes the value creation processes of OSE and derives …
the value creation activities. by primary value creation, we understand the direct value creation