Recognition and processing of ubiquitin-protein conjugates by the proteasome

D Finley - Annual review of biochemistry, 2009 -
The proteasome is an intricate molecular machine, which serves to degrade proteins
following their conjugation to ubiquitin. Substrates dock onto the proteasome at its 19 …

The Ubiquitin–Proteasome System of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

D Finley, HD Ulrich, T Sommer, P Kaiser - Genetics, 2012 -
Protein modifications provide cells with exquisite temporal and spatial control of protein
function. Ubiquitin is among the most important modifiers, serving both to target hundreds of …

The Dark Energy Survey: more than dark energy–an overview

Dark Energy Survey Collaboration:… - Monthly Notices of …, 2016 -
This overview paper describes the legacy prospect and discovery potential of the Dark
Energy Survey (DES) beyond cosmological studies, illustrating it with examples from the …

The DØ detector

S Abachi, M Abolins, BS Acharya, I Adam, S Ahn… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1994 - Elsevier
The DØ detector is a large general purpose detector for the study of short-distance
phenomena in high energy antiproton-proton collisions, now in operation at the Fermilab …

Enhancement of proteasome activity by a small-molecule inhibitor of USP14

BH Lee, MJ Lee, S Park, DC Oh, S Elsasser, PC Chen… - Nature, 2010 -
Proteasomes, the primary mediators of ubiquitin–protein conjugate degradation, are
regulated through complex and poorly understood mechanisms. Here we show that USP14 …

[HTML][HTML] Cell cycle–regulated modification of the ribosome by a variant multiubiquitin chain

J Spence, RR Gali, G Dittmar, F Sherman, M Karin… - Cell, 2000 -
Ubiquitin is ligated to L28, a component of the large ribosomal subunit, to form the most
abundant ubiquitin–protein conjugate in S. cerevisiae. The human ortholog of L28 is also …

Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing

TMC Abbott, FB Abdalla, A Alarcon, J Aleksić, S Allam… - Physical Review D, 2018 - APS
We present cosmological results from a combined analysis of galaxy clustering and weak
gravitational lensing, using 1321 deg 2 of griz imaging data from the first year of the Dark …

A subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle required for ubiquitin-conjugate degradation and related to the COP9-signalosome and eIF3

MH Glickman, DM Rubin, O Coux, I Wefes, G Pfeifer… - Cell, 1998 -
The proteasome consists of a 20S proteolytic core particle (CP) and a 19S regulatory
particle (RP), which selects ubiquitinated substrates for translocation into the CP. An eight …

A proteomics approach to understanding protein ubiquitination

J Peng, D Schwartz, JE Elias, CC Thoreen… - Nature …, 2003 -
There is a growing need for techniques that can identify and characterize protein
modifications on a large or global scale. We report here a proteomics approach to enrich …

The dark energy camera

B Flaugher, HT Diehl, K Honscheid… - The Astronomical …, 2015 -
ABSTRACT The Dark Energy Camera is a new imager with a 2 fdg 2 diameter field of view
mounted at the prime focus of the Victor M. Blanco 4 m telescope on Cerro Tololo near La …