Excavations at ur, 1930–1
CL Woolley - The Antiquaries Journal, 1931 - cambridge.org
The Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of
Pennsylvania started its ninth season at Ur on 1st November 1930, and continued in the …
Pennsylvania started its ninth season at Ur on 1st November 1930, and continued in the …
BCL WooLLEY - penn.museum
HE Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the University Museum started its ninth
season at Ur on November 1, 1930, and continued in the field until March 20, 1931; the …
season at Ur on November 1, 1930, and continued in the field until March 20, 1931; the …
Excavations at Ur, 1930—
CL WOOLLEY - cambridge.org
[Read 14th May 1931] THE Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the
University of Pennsylvania started its ninth season at Ur on 1st November 1930, and …
University of Pennsylvania started its ninth season at Ur on 1st November 1930, and …