Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts?
Our planet is changing, and one of the most pressing challenges facing the scientific
community revolves around understanding how ecological communities respond to global …
community revolves around understanding how ecological communities respond to global …
Open‐water integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture: environmental biomitigation and economic diversification of fed aquaculture by extractive aquaculture
T Chopin, JA Cooper, G Reid, S Cross… - Reviews in …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) seeks to biodiversify fed aquaculture (eg finfish
or shrimps) with extractive aquaculture, recapturing the inorganic (eg seaweeds) and …
or shrimps) with extractive aquaculture, recapturing the inorganic (eg seaweeds) and …
Predicting the ecological quality status of marine environments from eDNA metabarcoding data using supervised machine learning
Monitoring biodiversity is essential to assess the impacts of increasing anthropogenic
activities in marine environments. Traditionally, marine biomonitoring involves the sorting …
activities in marine environments. Traditionally, marine biomonitoring involves the sorting …
Protist metabarcoding and environmental biomonitoring: time for change
J Pawlowski, F Lejzerowicz… - European Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
High-throughput amplicon sequencing of environmental DNA and/or RNA proved to be a
powerful tool to describe protist diversity. This new approach called also the metabarcoding …
powerful tool to describe protist diversity. This new approach called also the metabarcoding …
Environmental monitoring through protist next‐generation sequencing metabarcoding: Assessing the impact of fish farming on benthic foraminifera communities
The measurement of species diversity represents a powerful tool for assessing the impacts
of human activities on marine ecosystems. Traditionally, the impact of fish farming on the …
of human activities on marine ecosystems. Traditionally, the impact of fish farming on the …
Meiofauna as a tool for marine ecosystem biomonitoring
Meiofauna are the metazoan component of the benthos, and also include large protozoans
(eg foraminifera). They are defined by their body size (44-1000 μm) and are the most …
(eg foraminifera). They are defined by their body size (44-1000 μm) and are the most …
Accurate assessment of the impact of salmon farming on benthic sediment enrichment using foraminiferal metabarcoding
Assessing the environmental impact of salmon farms on benthic systems is traditionally
undertaken using biotic indices derived from microscopic analyses of macrobenthic infaunal …
undertaken using biotic indices derived from microscopic analyses of macrobenthic infaunal …
Benthic foraminifera to assess ecological quality statuses: The case of salmon fish farming
VMP Bouchet, N Deldicq, N Baux, JC Dauvin… - Ecological …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The “Rade de Cherbourg”(RdC, Cotentin) hosts the only marine salmon fish farm
along the French coasts. High hydrodynamic regime would limit, there, organic matter (OM) …
along the French coasts. High hydrodynamic regime would limit, there, organic matter (OM) …
Meiofauna as an indicator for assessing the impact of fish farming at an exposed marine site
S Mirto, M Gristina, M Sinopoli, G Maricchiolo… - Ecological …, 2012 - Elsevier
This study aimed to detect the impact of organic loads due to biodeposition from a fish farm
in an exposed area of the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Sediment chemistry and …
in an exposed area of the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Sediment chemistry and …
Holocene foraminiferal and geochemical records in the coastal karst dolines of Cres Island, Croatia
Sažetak Numerous karst dolines have been formed along the Croatian coast and many
have been submerged during the Late Glacial and Holocene sea level rise. The coastal …
have been submerged during the Late Glacial and Holocene sea level rise. The coastal …