[BOOK][B] Handbook of nuts: herbal reference library

JA Duke - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Over one hundred of the world's most important species of nuts are systematically accounted
for in this informative handbook. The text defines nuts and discusses their economic and …

[PDF][PDF] An assessment of pawpaw leaf meal as protein ingredient for finishing broiler

AE Onyimonyi, E Onu - International Journal of Poultry Science, 2009 - academia.edu
A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary inclusion of Pawpaw Leaf Meal
(PLM) on the performance of finishing broilers. Sixty 5 weeks old broilers were used for the …

[BOOK][B] CRC handbook of nuts

JA Duke - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Over one hundred of the world's most important species of nuts are systematically accounted
in this informative handbook. The text defines nuts and discusses their economic and …


B Schaffer, L Urban, P Lu… - The mango: Botany …, 2009 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This chapter discusses the impact of photosynthesis and tree water relations on the growth
and development of mango. The effects of environmental and crop-related factors on …

Pests of pawpaw.

A Pantoja, PA Follett… - Tropical fruit pests and …, 2002 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The origin, distribution, uses and production of pawpaw are reviewed. Arthropods
associated with pawpaw including pests attacking the fruits, foliage and trunk of the crop …

[PDF][PDF] The nutritive profile of sun-dried paw-paw (Carica papaya) leaf meal and its effect on the growth performance of broiler chickens

CR Unigwe, UP Okorafor, UM Ogbu… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Citeseer
Feeding trial was conducted on sixty day-old Anak broiler chicks of average weight of
204.11+ 3.29 g for eight weeks to evaluate the effect of sun-dried paw-paw leaf meal (PLM) …

Control decision‐making systems for Anacampsis phytomiella in cashew orchards as a function of insecticide spray method and irrigation use

DR de Freitas, MSCS Mota, DG Carmo… - Agricultural and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is one of the main tropical fruit trees, and its chestnuts
are the most consumed in the world. Cashew orchards are managed under irrigated and …

Guava production in Georgia under cold-protection structure.

UL Yadava - 1996 - cabidigitallibrary.org
A description is given of guava in terms of its morphology, bearing habit, adaptations,
cultivars, propagation, cultivation, management practices, fruit harvesting and storage …

[PDF][PDF] Response of broiler chickens to Carica papaya and Talinium triangulare leaf meal under normal and subnormal diets

BE Agboola, AD Ologhobo, IO Adejumo, GO Adeyemo - 2018 - repository.ui.edu.ng
The use of locally available and cheap feed ingredients has received particular attention as
a viable alternative to the use of conventional feedstuffs in developing countries. Vegetable …

[PDF][PDF] Heamatological Characteristics of Young Rabbits fed a mixture of Alchornea cordifolia/Pawpaw leaf meal

MB Nodu, M Okpeku, AE Abezi - IOSR Journal of Agriculture and …, 2014 - researchgate.net
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Alchornea cordifolia leaf meal
(ACLM)/Pawpaw leaf meal (PLM) on the haematology of young rabbits aged 12-14 wks. The …