[BOOK][B] The City in Roman Palestine

D Sperber - 1998 - books.google.com
This book is a study of the city and urban life in Roman Palestine during the Talmudic
period, 100-400 BC Rather than focus on a specific city, Daniel Sperber synthesizes what is …

[BOOK][B] Alexander to Constantine: Archaeology of the Land of the Bible

EM Meyers, MA Chancey - 2012 - books.google.com
Drawing on the most recent, groundbreaking archaeological research, Eric M. Meyers and
Mark A. Chancey re-narrate the history of ancient Palestine in this richly illustrated and …

[HTML][HTML] Lake Beisan and the prehistoric settlement of the northern Jordan Valley

FL Koucky, RH Smith - Paléorient, 1986 - persee.fr
Alors qu'il est reconnu depuis longtemps qu'entre le lac de Tibériade et la Mer Morte un lac
occupait aux temps préhistoriques la Vallée du Jourdain, une moindre attention a été prêtée …

Complexity and collapse in the north Jordan Valley: archaeometry and society in the Middle-Late Bronze Ages

AB Knapp - Israel exploration journal, 1989 - JSTOR
Two recent publications provide details of some of the archaeometric phases of research in
the Pella Project, 4 and discuss some of their implications for our understanding of Bronze …

Pots, PIXE, and data processing at Pella in Jordan

AB Knapp - Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental …, 1987 - journals.uchicago.edu
The University of Sydney excavations at Pella in Jordan have, since 1979, produced an
abundance of material remains from the past 500,000 years. This study deals with one …

Burials of the Byzantine Near East (Fourth-Seventh Centuries)

LM Clark - 2024 - etheses.bham.ac.uk
Research on burials of the Byzantine Near East has focused on a transformation from
'pagan'to 'Christian'beliefs, the simplicity of Christian burial, and exceptional examples. To …

[BOOK][B] The myth of a gentile Galilee: the population of Galilee and New Testament studies

MA Chancey - 1999 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation challenges the traditional view in New Testament scholarship that the
population of first-century CE Galilee included a large number of gentiles. It synthesizes …

[CITATION][C] Vroeg Islamitisch Aardewerk in Jordanië: Een Chronologische Herevaluatie.

DT Pieters