- Height
- (Roget's Thesaurus)
<- NPARAG:Height->NGRP: \\ N \\ 1Sgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ heightheightaltitudeelevationSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ eminenceeminencepitchSgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ loftinessloftiness&c.->Adj.Sgm: \\ N \\ 1 \\ sublimitysublimityGRP: \\ N \\ 2Sgm: \\ N \\ 2 \\ tallnesstallness&c.->Adj.Sgm: \\ N \\ 2 \\ staturestatureproceritySgm: \\ N \\ 2 \\ prominenceprominence&c. 250GRP: \\ N \\ 3Sgm: \\ N \\ 3 \\ colossuscolossus&c.(size) 192Sgm: \\ N \\ 3 \\ giantgiantgrenadiergiraffecamelopardGRP: \\ N \\ 4Sgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ mountmountmountainSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ hill altohill altobutte=>(U.S.)monticlefellknapSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ capecapeSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ headlandheadlandforelandSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ promontorypromontorySgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ ridgeridgehog's backduneSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ rising groundrising groundvantage groundSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ downdownSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ moormoormoorlandSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ AlpAlpSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ uplandsuplandshighlandsSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ heightsheights&c.(summit) 210Sgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ knobknoblomapena=>(U.S.)picachotumpSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ knollknollhummockhillockbarrowmoundmoleSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ steepssteepsbluffcliffcraigtorpeakpikecloughSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ escarpmentescarpmentedgeledgebraeSgm: \\ N \\ 4 \\ dizzy heightdizzy heightGRP: \\ N \\ 5Sgm: \\ N \\ 5 \\ towertowerpillarcolumnobeliskmonumentsteeplespireminaretcampanileturretdomecupolaGRP: \\ N \\ 6Sgm: \\ N \\ 6 \\ polepolepikestaffmaypoleflagstaffSgm: \\ N \\ 6 \\ top masttop masttopgallant mastGRP: \\ N \\ 7Sgm: \\ N \\ 7 \\ ceilingceiling&c.(covering) 223GRP: \\ N \\ 8Sgm: \\ N \\ 8 \\ high waterhigh waterSgm: \\ N \\ 8 \\ high tidehigh tideflood tidespring tideGRP: \\ N \\ 9Sgm: \\ N \\ 9 \\ altimetryaltimetry&c.(angel) 244Sgm: \\ N \\ 9 \\ batophobiabatophobiaPARAG:Height->VGRP: \\ V \\ 1Sgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ be highbe high&c.->Adj.Sgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ towertowersoarcommandSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ hoverhoverSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ capcapculminateSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ overhangoverhanghang overimpendbeetlebestrideridemountSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ perchperchsurmountSgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ covercover&c. 223Sgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ overtopovertop&c.(be superior) 33Sgm: \\ V \\ 1 \\ stand on tiptoestand on tiptoeGRP: \\ V \\ 2Sgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ become highbecome high&c.->Adj.Sgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ grow highergrow highergrow tallerSgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ upgrowupgrowSgm: \\ V \\ 2 \\ riserise&c.(ascend) 305GRP: \\ V \\ 3Sgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ render highrender high&c.->Adj.Sgm: \\ V \\ 3 \\ heightenheighten&c.(elevate) 307PARAG:Height->AdjGRP: \\ Adj \\ 1Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ highhighelevatedeminentexaltedloftytallSgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ giganticgigantic&c.(big) 192Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ PatagonianPatagonianSgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ toweringtoweringbeetlingsoaringhanging=>(gardens)Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ elevatedelevated&c. 307Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ upperupperSgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ highesthighest&c.(topmost) 210Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 1 \\ high reachinghigh reachinginsessorialperchingGRP: \\ Adj \\ 2Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 2 \\ uplanduplandmoorlandSgm: \\ Adj \\ 2 \\ hillyhillyknobby=>(U.S.)Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 2 \\ mountainousmountainousalpinesubalpineheaven kissingSgm: \\ Adj \\ 2 \\ cloudtoptcloudtoptcloudcaptcloudtouchingSgm: \\ Adj \\ 2 \\ aerialaerialGRP: \\ Adj \\ 3Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 3 \\ overhangingoverhanging&c.->V.Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 3 \\ incumbentincumbentoverlyingsuperincumbentsupernatantsuperimposedSgm: \\ Adj \\ 3 \\ prominentprominent&c. c.???>250GRP: \\ Adj \\ 4Sgm: \\ Adj \\ 4 \\ tall as a maypoletall as a maypoletall as a poplartall as a steeplelanky&c.(thin) 203PARAG:Height->AdvGRP: \\ Adv \\ 1Sgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ on highon highhigh upaloftupabovealoofoverheadSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ airwindairwindSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ upstairsupstairsabovestairsSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ in the cloudsin the cloudsSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ on tiptoeon tiptoeon stiltson the shoulders ofSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ over head and earsover head and earsSgm: \\ Adv \\ 1 \\ breast highbreast highGRP: \\ Adv \\ 2Sgm: \\ Adv \\ 2 \\ overoverupwardsSgm: \\ Adv \\ 2 \\ from top to bottomfrom top to bottom&c.(completely) 52
English dictionary for students. 2013.