10 Minutes Daily exercise ❤️
#Repost @dicasnutriciionaiss —— Desafie seus limites e descubra o poder dentro de você! 💪🏽 Nada pode te parar quando você decide cuidar do seu corpo e da sua mente, mesmo sem sair de casa. Cada repetição é um passo mais perto dos seus objetivos. Vamos lá, você consegue! 👊🏽 #emagrecerfacil #emagreceremcasa #belezaesaude #dicasdeemagrecimento #workout #weightlossworkout
How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health
As children grow older, talking about certain topics can be difficult. However, mental health shouldn’t be one of them. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), 75% of children who struggle with mental health do not talk to any child mental health service. In our latest blog post, Clarity Clinic's therapist, Autumn Holtschlag, AMFT, LPC, shares valuable tips for parents to help them educate their children about mental health.