HO Scale Building Plans

31 Pins
HAER MICH,31-HANC,1- (sheet 30 of 34) - Quincy Mining Company, Hancock, Houghton County, MI
HAER MICH,31-HANC,1- (sheet 32 of 34) - Quincy Mining Company, Hancock, Houghton County, MI
Diskuzní fórum železničních modelářů • Zobrazit téma - Požadavky na podklady - fotky, plány, ...
Refrigeration Plant, North Elevation, Second Floor Plan, East Elevation, Ground Floor Plan, Section A-A - Kennecott Copper Corporation, On Copper River & Northwestern Railroad, Kennicott, Valdez-Cordova Census Area, AK
HAER DEL,2-WILM,34- (sheet 4 of 4) - Wilmington & Northern Railroad, Repair Shop, Beech Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, DE
HABS NEV,13-CARCI,6- (sheet 6 of 8) - Virginia & Truckee Railroad Shops, Between Plaza, Ann, Stewart & Sophia Streets, Carson City, Carson City, NV
HAER PA,20-MEDVI,4B- (sheet 3 of 4) - Atlantic & Great Western Railroad, Meadville Repair Shops, Blacksmith Shop, East bank of French Creek, 800 feet South of Spring Street, Meadville, Crawford County, PA
Diskuzní fórum železničních modelářů • Zobrazit téma - České a moravskoslezské lokálky 1895-1910
EM Gauge Layouts, Models & Projects