Teachings of the SPH

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Explaining Idol Worship
Swamiji was once asked whether people doing pooja and worship are self-centred. He explained: "This is a type-cast put into people’s mind in our society. Chaitanya the esteemed enlightened saint from 16th century says beautifully, one’s feeling connection is the juice added which makes idol into God. First when a person responds to the idol, it becomes deity. When deity responds back to the person, it becomes God. Read more here https://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/7/prweb9704988.htm
Guru-Disciple Relationship
“The master-disciple relationship is for birth after birth, until you become enlightened; until you merge." - SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Samskara Dahana Kriya
Pain patterns create silly incompletions in your life. All our pain patterns are the Rakthabeejasura - the demon who gets recreated from one drop of his blood. Completion process is the Brahma Kapala in Kali's hands that swallows all the pain patterns and stops the multiplying of your pain patterns. Join the Samskara Dahana Kriya process NOW - happening daily! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/v1ywRnLT81notScaA #nithyananda #kailasa #mahakailasa
“If I have to declare some ritual as the official ritual of our Nithyananda Sangha, I will declare Samskara Dahana Kriya as the official ritual of our Nithyananda Sangha.” #Hinduism #Guru #Nithyananda #SamskaraDahanaKriya
Initiation Through Rudra Veena
Glimpses of My initiation during #Mahasadashivoham using sound and anti sound energies in 2018 Paramashiva Himself records and mentions in the Agama the use of Rudra Veena in this way for initiation.
Guru Bhakti
Understanding Guru Bhakti with the SPH 🙏🔱 Excerpt from the book, Guru Bhakti: Revelations from the Avatar
Why Puja?
Extract from the Living Enlightenment on WHY PUJA: (original source https://nithyanandaspeaks.com/2018/06/29/puja/)
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Why Puja?
Guru Puja & Shiva Puja is a nectarine space to connect and experience Sadashivatva, oneness (Advaita) with the Guru, the embodiment of Sadashiva-AdiShakti, the Cosmic Consciousness. Puja is our personal time with Guru and Sadashiva. At that sacred hour, a devotee soaked in devotion, in the love current of Guru-Sadashiva, prepares to offer his limiting identity to the Infinite Lord.