
241 Pins
How to Make Chicken Feed for Layers {17.5%} : Nutrient-Rich and Non-GMO
There are plenty of choices for layer feed that we can purchase from our local farm supply store that your flock will thrive on. However, not all of them can boast a lack of genetically-modified ingredients, and the ones that do are pretty pricey. This homemade chicken feed for layers is great for layers as well as the rest of your flock, and won't skimp on nutrition or egg production. Try this DIY chicken feed today! #chickens #feed #layers #homesteading
How to Clean Pheasant
When people ask me how to clean a pheasant, I always ask back: What do you intend to do with the bird? Because for many recipes, it’s as easy as yanking the skin off, popping off the legs and breastbone, and maybe collecting the giblets. That takes a few seconds. But if you want to really enjoy your game birds, not just pheasants, you’ll want to pluck them. Here’s how. | @huntgathercook
Essential Oils for Chicken Care
Lemon essential oil and chickens Essential oils for chicken care
The Broody Breaker- When a Hen's Mood to Hatch Should be Interrupted
Bielefelder hen. The sweetest hen in the flock sits in the same nest box all day, growling, puffing out her feathers, even pecking at intruders. She is not a beast to be trifled with. What's her problem? She is broody, which means she is inspired to hatch
How to diagnose and treat a hen with sour crop.
How to diagnose and treat a chicken with sour crop. When a chickens digestion isn't working properly a buildup of yeast in the crop can make her sick. Sour crop can be treated easily, but it can also indicate an impacted crop or turn into pendulous crop so it needs to be treated quickly!