
673 Pins
This may contain: the god sitting on top of four white horses in front of an ornate sky background
Surya Mantra for Light and Vitality
ॐ जपाकुसुमसंकाशं काश्यपेयं महाद्युतिम् तमोरिं सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोस्मि दिवाकरम् ll This powerful Surya Mantra salutes the divine brilliance of Lord Surya, the remover of darkness and bestower of vitality and strength. Chanting this mantra regularly helps in dispelling negativity, enhancing confidence, and inviting positivity into life. It symbolizes gratitude to the cosmic energy that sustains life and nourishes the soul. #SuryaMantra #SunGod #DivineEnergy #Positivity #SpiritualGrowth #NepaRudraksha
✨ Love this divine art? There’s so much more waiting for you! Follow us on Instagram @real.aiart for mesmerizing AI creations that blend spirituality and technology. 🌸🔮 Let’s make your feed glow with creativity and divine inspiration! 🙌💫 #StayInspired #FollowTheMagic”
Navratri - Jay mata di
✨ Love this divine art? There’s so much more waiting for you! Follow us on Instagram @real.aiart for mesmerizing AI creations that blend spirituality and technology. 🌸🔮 Let’s make your feed glow with creativity and divine inspiration! 🙌💫 #StayInspired #FollowTheMagic”
Top 10 Vishnu Mantras
इस वीडियो में हम विष्णु भगवान के 10 शक्तिशाली मंत्रों को जानेंगे, जो जीवन में शांति, समृद्धि और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा लाने में मदद करते हैं। विष्णु देव के इन मंत्रों का जाप करके आप अपने जीवन को सुकून और सुख-समृद्धि से भर सकते हैं। इन मंत्रों के माध्यम से भगवान विष्णु की कृपा प्राप्त करें और अपने जीवन को दिव्य आशीर्वाद से भरें। Follow for more Devotional Videos. #vishnu #lordvishnu #devotional #mantras #spiritual #hari #acharyaganeshbhakti #devotionaltips #remedies
This may contain: the statue is decorated with flowers and garlands
#hanuman #hindu #mahadev #ram #shiva #hinduism #india #hanumanji #krishna #harharmahadev #bajrangbali #jaishreeram #god #bholenath #hanumanchalisa #mahakal #jaihanuman #lordhanuman #jaishriram #shiv #love #myvibe #omnamahshivaya #ramayana #hanumanjayanti #ganesha #hanumantemple #hanumanasana #om #ayodhya #shreeram
This may contain: an image of a man dressed as lord hanra in the middle of a field
jai hanuman bajarangi 🙏🙏🙏
Wherever there is Dharma, there is Hanuma 🕉️🙏 His presence lights the way to righteousness. #DharmaInspiration #HanumaForce #TruthAndStrength #DivineGuide #PathOfTheDevout #HanumaBlessings 🔥⚡
This may contain: the god is surrounded by people in front of a sky background with clouds and lightning
#hanuman #hanumanstatus #hanumanbhajan #hanuman_whatsapp_status #bajrangbali #bajarangabali #bajrangbalistatus #bajrangbalihanuman #hanumanjistatus
#hanuman #AM
shankar suvan Kesari Nandan Tej Pratap...
#hanuman #AM
॥🌞शुप्रभात💫 🚩🌺पवनसुत हनुमान की जय🙏🪔🙇‍♂️॥  #शुभमंगलवार #हनुमानचालीसा🙏🙌 #पवनपुत्रहनुमानकीजय #भक्ति #बजरंगबली_की_जय🚩🚩🚩 #ॐहानुमतेनमः #हनुमानरामायण #हनुमानजी_महाराज_की_कृपा_सदैव_बनी_रहे💐🚩 #सनातनधर्म 🌺
॥🌞शुप्रभात💫 🚩🌺पवनसुत हनुमान की जय🙏🪔🙇‍♂️॥ #शुभमंगलवार #हनुमानचालीसा #पवनपुत्रहनुमानकीजय
॥🌞शुप्रभात💫 🚩🌺पवनसुत हनुमान की जय🙏🪔🙇‍♂️॥ #शुभमंगलवार #हनुमानचालीसा🙏🙌 #पवनपुत्रहनुमानकीजय #भक्ति #बजरंगबली_की_जय🚩🚩🚩 #ॐहानुमतेनमः #हनुमानरामायण #हनुमानजी_महाराज_की_कृपा_सदैव_बनी_रहे💐🚩 #सनातनधर्म 🌺