
129 Pins
Classictone: simple walnut speakers
Nostalgic appearance – with our old school design, you won’t have to spend a fortune repairing outdated speakers just to give your home the same classic look. Made from a single piece of wood. Each unit looks clean and neat without any joint either front or back side.
Audel Art loudspeakers, 홈 시리즈 국내 정식 출시 | HIFICLUB - High-end Audio Magazine
하이엔드 인터넷-하이파이클럽
locally built billie tube amplifier by heaven 11 adds analog smoothness to any digital library
billie tube amplifier by heaven 11 audio
PIONEER BDP-LX88/ユニバーサルプレーヤー/PIONEER SC-LX88/AVアンプ/B&W CMCMW...などのインテリア実例 - 2015-05-18 16:51:29 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)