estampas sixx

343 Pins
⚡️so what😑?! Noh😑😤👆!!!🌩
⚡️j is not! gonna let you beat me up at wrestling anymore😲☹️😤👆! Humph ☹️!🌩
⚡️everything that you fear.. happened already.🌩
⚡️after the epidemic: the Lord helped me change my style. everything that could happen.. good and evil.. happened already.. and the worst thing that happened to us.. was that we died. but.. before we died.. we realized life is meaningful.. so we left our lives.. we abandoned our inheritance. our home.. our lands.. our country side.. we went to south Bronx.. Queens and philly.. jersey city didn't die..
⚡️admit it😠😤👆! you're a gay nazi😠😤👆!🌩
⚡️ok.. I'm a gay nazi. what am I supposed to unalienable myself. are you gonna kill me😠😤👆?!🌩
⚡️eventually.. because the only thing left is to surrender our lives..🌩
⚡️our life is taken from us. And when we die. We will not be able to lift a single finger.. in favor of our own case against the law of GOD. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU STUDIED. WHAT PLAQUE IS ON YOUR WALL. HOW MANY GUNS 🔫.. OR HOW INVINCIBLE YOU ARE. I GREW NUMB TO SEEING YOU KILL YOUR OWN CHILDREN YOU WORTHLESS WORM 🪱 😠😤👆!🌩
⚡️BUBS, I promise it was not punishment.🌩
⚡️the task which you were given and charged with to carry out required Love.. a daughter of God. anyone can say I'm a daughter of God, but to actually mean it is an entirely different situation. issue case in study. on location. hours ahead. no. I'm seven, but one day, I will be home. God chose you because of your Golden Heart 💛. long ago, while I was lost to all my lonesome in the ALWAYS GALAXY. he charged me with taking care of it. Muahk😘! Good night🌃 and sweet dreams. I Love you more😚!🌩w