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Reptiles of
Polillo [Philippines]

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Bibliography of the reptiles of Polillo Taxonomic history of the reptiles of Polillo Introduced species
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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (Compilation date: April 14th, 2023).

General remarks: The list includes only formally described species. Newly discovered, but still unnamed species are excluded. However, unnamed species or species unassigned to species level are included, if they are the only representatives of their genus in the region. Species counts exclude extinct and introduced species. Doubtful records, typically older voucher specimens of uncertain origin, have been excluded if considered questionable, as are records based on sources considered unreliable or controversial.
Note: Your comments to the checklist (omissions, errors, etc.) are welcomed, preferably if they are provided with reliable references. If possible, please attach a pdf file of the relevant reference to an email addressed to:
Lizards (Sauria)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Agamidae (Agamas and Dragons)
Genus Bronchocela (Long-tailed Agamas)
Bronchocela marmorata

Marbled Long-tailed Agama

Hallermann 2005 Wermuth 1967
Genus Draco (Gliding Dragons)
Draco spilopterus

Common Philippine Gliding Dragon

McGuire & Alcala 2000 McGuire & Kiew 2001
Genus Gonocephalus (Western Anglehead Agamas)
Gonocephalus sophiae

Dark-spotted Anglehead Agama

Manthey 2010 Welton, Siler, Grismer, Diesmos, Sites & Brown 2017
Genus Hydrosaurus (Sail-tailed Agamas)
Hydrosaurus pustulatus

Philippine Sail-tailed Agama

Gaulke 1989 Wermuth 1967
 Family Gekkonidae (Typical Geckos)
Genus Cyrtodactylus (Australasian Bent-toed Geckos)
Cyrtodactylus philippinicus

Common Philippine Bent-toed Gecko

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1978
Genus Lepidodactylus (Scaly-toed Geckos)
Lepidodactylus planicauda

Broad-tailed Scaly-toed Gecko

Brown & Alcala 1978
Genus Luperosaurus (Flap-legged Geckos)
Luperosaurus sp.

(Flap-legged Gecko)

Alcala 1986 [as macgregori] Brown & Alcala 1978 [as macgregori] Brown, Supriatna & Ota 2000 Gaulke, Roesler & Brown 2007 [as "cf. cumingii"]
Genus Pseudogekko (Smooth-scaled Geckos)
Pseudogekko compressicorpus

Flat-bodied Smooth-scaled Gecko

Davis, Watters, Koehler, Whitsett, Huron, Brown, Diesmos & Siler 2015 Huron, Realubit, Cobb, Brown, Bergmann Morinaga, Diesmos, Diesmos, Brown & Siler 2016 Siler, Welton, Davis, Watters, Davey, Diesmos, Diesmos & Brown 2014
Pseudogekko smaragdinus

Emerald Smooth-scaled Gecko

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1978 Davis, Watters, Koehler, Whitsett, Huron, Brown, Diesmos & Siler 2015 Huron, Realubit, Cobb, Brown, Bergmann Morinaga, Diesmos, Diesmos, Brown & Siler 2016 Siler, Dececchi, Merkord, Davis, Christiani & Brown 2014 Trautmann 1998
 Family Scincidae (Skinks)
Genus Brachymeles (Indo-Malayan Slender Skinks)
Brachymeles bonitae

Stub-limbed Slender Skink

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1980 Davis, Feller, Brown & Siler 2014 Siler & Brown 2010 Siler, Jones, Diesmos, Diesmos & Brown 2012
Brachymeles boulengeri

Polillo Slender Skink

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1980 Siler & Brown 2010 Siler, Jones, Diesmos, Diesmos & Brown 2012
Genus Emoia (Emo Skinks)
Emoia atrocostata

Pacific Mangrove Skink

Brown & Alcala 1980 Brown 1991 Gaulke 1996
Genus Eutropis (South Asian Sun Skinks)
Eutropis borealis

Subic Bay Sun Skink

Barley, Diesmos, Siler, Martinez & Brown 2020 David, Pauwels, Lays & Lenglet 2006 [as multicarinata]
Genus Lipinia (Indo-Pacific Striped Skinks)
Lipinia auriculata

Bronze Striped Tree Skink

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1956 Brown & Alcala 1980
Lipinia pulchella

Yellow-striped Slender Tree Skink

Alcala 1986 Brown & Alcala 1956 Brown & Alcala 1980
Genus Otosaurus (Philippine Giant Forest Skink)
Otosaurus cumingii

Philippine Giant Forest Skink

Brown, Linkem, Diesmos, Balete, Duya & Ferner 2010
Genus Parvoscincus (Philippine Dwarf Forest Skinks)
Parvoscincus abstrusus

Mount Makiling Dwarf Forest Skink

Alcala 1986 [as decipiens] Linkem & Brown 2013
Genus Pinoyscincus (Philippine Forest Skinks)
Pinoyscincus abdictus

Camiguin Forest Skink

Brown & Alcala 1980
Pinoyscincus coxi

Agusan Forest Skink

Alcala 1986
Genus Tropidophorus (Stream Skinks)
Tropidophorus grayi

Philippine Stream Skink

Brown & Alcala 1980
 Family Varanidae (Monitor Lizards)
Genus Varanus (Monitor Lizards)
Varanus dalubhasa

Bicol Water Monitor

Koch, Auliya, Schmitz, Kuch & Boehme 2007 [as marmoratus] Koch, Gaulke & Boehme 2010 [as marmoratus] Welton, Travers, Siler & Brown 2014
Varanus olivaceus

Olive Monitor

Bennett 2001 Bennett, Hampson & Yngente 2001 Gaulke & Curio 2001 Pianka in Pianka, King & King (eds.) 2004

Snakes (Serpentes)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Colubridae (Typical Snakes or Colubrids)
Genus Ahaetulla (Oriental Whip Snakes)
Ahaetulla prasina

Short-nosed Whip Snake

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1967 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Boiga (Australasian Cat Snakes)
Boiga angulata

Leyte Cat Snake

Alcala 1986 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1968 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Orlov & Ryabov 2002
Boiga cynodon

Dog-toothed Cat Snake

Alcala 1986 Gaulke 1996 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1968 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Orlov & Ryabov 2002
Boiga dendrophila

Eastern Mangrove Cat Snake

Alcala 1986 Brongersma 1934 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1968 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Orlov & Ryabov 2002
Genus Calamaria (Oriental Reed Snakes)
Calamaria gervaisi

Philippine Reed Snake

Inger & Marx 1965 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
Genus Chrysopelea (Flying Tree Snakes)
Chrysopelea paradisi

Paradise Flying Tree Snake

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1964 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Mertens 1968
Genus Coelognathus (Oriental Rat Snakes)
Coelognathus erythrura

Philippine Rat Snake

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Schulz 1996
Genus Dendrelaphis (Bronzebacks)
Dendrelaphis marenae

Philippine Painted Bronzeback

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 [as pictus] Leviton 1968 [as pictus] Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Vogel & Rooijen 2008
Dendrelaphis philippinensis

Mindanao Stripe-tailed Bronzeback

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 [as terrificus] Leviton 1968 [as terrificus] Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Rooijen & Vogel 2012
Genus Lycodon (Oriental Wolf Snakes)
Lycodon muelleri

Luzon Wolf Snake

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Lanza 1999 Leviton 1965 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
Genus Ptyas (Giant Rat Snakes and Oriental Green Snakes)
Ptyas luzonensis

Smooth-scaled Mountain Rat Snake

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton 1983 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
Genus Tropidonophis (Indo-Australian Keelbacks)
Tropidonophis spilogaster

Northern Philippine Keelback

Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
 Family Cyclocoridae (Philippine Burrowing Snakes, etc.)
Genus Cyclocorus (Triangle-spotted Snakes)
Cyclocorus lineatus

Northern Triangle-spotted Snake

Alcala 1986 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1965 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
Genus Hologerrhum (Philippine Cylindrical Snakes)
Hologerrhum philippinum

Luzon Cylindrical Snake

Brown, Leviton, Ferner & Sison 2001 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
 Family Elapidae [part 1: terrestrial species] (Cobras, Mambas, etc.)
Genus Hemibungarus (Barred Coral Snakes)
Hemibungarus mcclungi

Polillo Barred Coral Snake

Alcala 1986 Brown, Smart, Leviton & Smith 2018 Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 Vogel 2006
Genus Ophiophagus (King Cobra)
Ophiophagus hannah

King Cobra

Leviton, Brown & Siler 2014 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
 Family Homalopsidae (Australasian Mud Snakes)
Genus Cerberus (Dog-faced Water Snakes)
Cerberus schneiderii

South East Asian Dog-faced Water Snake

Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
 Family Lamprophiidae (House Snakes, etc.)
Genus Psammodynastes (Asian Mock Vipers)
Psammodynastes pulverulentus

Dusky Mock Viper

Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton 1983 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018
 Family Pareidae (Oriental Slug Eaters)
Genus Aplopeltura (Blunt-headed Slug Eater)
Aplopeltura boa

Blunt-headed Slug Eater

Grismer, Diesmos, Gonzalez, Jose & Inger 2012
 Family Pythonidae (Pythons)
Genus Malayopython (Malayan Pythons)
Malayopython reticulatus

Reticulated Python

Gaulke 1996 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1963 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999
 Family Typhlopidae (Typical Blind Snakes)
Genus Ramphotyphlops (Western Pacific Blind Snakes)
Ramphotyphlops cumingii

Cumming's Blind Snake

Hahn 1980 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999
 Family Viperidae (Vipers)
Genus Parias (Malay Archipelago Pitvipers)
Parias flavomaculatus

Yellow-spotted Pitviper

Alcala 1986 Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Iskandar & Colijn 2001 Leviton 1964 Leviton, Siler, Weinell & Brown 2018

Turtles (Testudines)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Geoemydidae (Eastern Pond Turtles)
Genus Cuora (Asian Box Turtles)
Cuora amboinensis

Southeast Asian Box Turtle

David, Pauwels, Lays & Lenglet 2006 Diesmos, Brown, Alcala & Sison 2008