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Bibliography of the reptiles of Eritrea Taxonomic history of the reptiles of Eritrea Introduced species
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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (Compilation date: 14th April, 2023).

General remarks: The list includes only formally described species. Newly discovered, but still unnamed species are excluded. However, unnamed species or species unassigned to species level are included, if they are the only representatives of their genus in the region. Species counts exclude extinct and introduced species. Doubtful records, typically older voucher specimens of uncertain origin, have been excluded if considered questionable, as are records based on sources considered unreliable or controversial.
Note: Your comments to the checklist (omissions, errors, etc.) are welcomed, preferably if they are provided with reliable references. If possible, please attach a pdf file of the relevant reference to an email addressed to:
Crocodilians (Crocodylia)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Crocodylidae (Crocodiles)
Genus Crocodylus (Typical Crocodiles)
Crocodylus niloticus

Nile Crocodile

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997

Lizards (Sauria)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Agamidae (Agamas and Dragons)
Genus Acanthocercus (Ridgeback Agamas)
Acanthocercus annectans

Eritrean Ridgeback Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Wermuth 1967
Acanthocercus cyanogaster

Blue-bellied Ridgeback Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Wermuth 1967
Acanthocercus guentherpetersi

Harar Ridgeback Agama

Largen & Spawls 2006 Largen & Spawls 2010
Acanthocercus phillipsii

Somaliland Ridgeback Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Wermuth 1967
Genus Agama (Typical Agamas)
Agama doriae

Nigerian Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Moody & Boehme 1984
Agama hartmanni

Dongola Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Wagner & Bauer 2011 Wermuth 1967 [as cornii]
Agama spinosa

Egyptian Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008 Wagner, Leache, Mazuch & Boehme 2013
Genus Pseudotrapelus (Afro-Arabian Desert Agamas)
Pseudotrapelus chlodnickii

North East African Desert Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 [as sinaitus] Largen 1997 [as sinaitus] Tamar, Scholz, Crochet, Geniez, Meiri, Schmitz, Wilms & Carranza 2016
Genus Uromastyx (Western Spiny-tailed Agamas)
Uromastyx ocellata

Ocellated Spiny-tailed Agama

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Wilms & Boehme 2000 Wilms 2001 Wilms, Boehme, Wagner, Lutzmann & Schmitz 2009
 Family Chamaeleonidae (Chameleons)
Genus Chamaeleo (Typical Chameleons)
Chamaeleo calcaricarens

Spurless Basilisk Chameleon

Glaw 2015 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 [as africanus] Parker 1942 [as basiliscus] Tilbury 2010
 Family Gekkonidae (Typical Geckos)
Genus Cyrtopodion (Palearctic Bent-toed Geckos)
Cyrtopodion scabrum

Keeled Rock Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010
Genus Hemidactylus (Half-toed Geckos)
Hemidactylus afarensis

Afar Half-toed Gecko

Smid, Mazuch, Novakova, Modry, Malonza, Elmi, Carranza & Moravec 2020
Hemidactylus angulatus

West African House Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010 [as brookii] Largen 1997 [as brookii]
Hemidactylus flaviviridis

Yellow-bellied House Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Hemidactylus foudaii

Mount Elba Half-toed Gecko

Smid, Mazuch, Novakova, Modry, Malonza, Elmi, Carranza & Moravec 2020
Hemidactylus laticaudatus

Broad-tailed Half-toed Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Mazuch, Smid & Bauer 2016
Hemidactylus robustus

Red Sea Half-toed Gecko

Carranza & Arnold 2012 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 [as turcicus] Parker 1942 [as turcicus] Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
Hemidactylus sinaitus

Sudan Half-toed Gecko

Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008 Smid, Mazuch, Novakova, Modry, Malonza, Elmi, Carranza & Moravec 2020
Genus Lygodactylus (African-Neotropical Dwarf Geckos)
Lygodactylus sudanensis

Sudan Dwarf Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Wermuth 1965
Genus Stenodactylus (Afro-Asian Thin-toed Geckos)
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus

Elegant Thin-toed Gecko

Baha el Din 2006 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
 Family Gerrhosauridae (Plated Lizards)
Genus Broadleysaurus (Rough-scaled Plated Lizard)
Broadleysaurus major

Rough-scaled Plated Lizard

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957 Parker 1942 Wermuth 1968
 Family Lacertidae (Typical Lizards)
Genus Acanthodactylus (Fringe-toed Lizards)
Acanthodactylus boskianus

Afro-Arabian Fringe-toed Lizard

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
Genus Latastia (African Long-tailed Lizards)
Latastia boscai

Eritrean Long-tailed Lizard

Lanza 1990 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942
Latastia doriai

Adal Long-tailed Lizard

Bischoff 1991 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Latastia longicaudata

Common Long-tailed Lizard

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942
Genus Mesalina (Afro-Asian Desert Lizards)
Mesalina martini

Red Sea Desert Lizard

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Yousefkhani, Marin & Rastegar-Pouyani 2015
Genus Philochortus (Shield-backed Ground Lizards)
Philochortus spinalis

Eritrean Shield-backed Ground Lizard

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942
Genus Pseuderemias (Sand Runners)
Pseuderemias mucronata

Anseba Sand Runner

Lanza 1990 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008 Szczerbak 1975
 Family Phyllodactylidae (Leaf-toed Geckos)
Genus Ptyodactylus (Fan-toed Geckos)
Ptyodactylus ragazzii

Eritrean Fan-toed Gecko

Bauer, Tchibozo, Pauwels & Lenglet 2006 Heimes 1987 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 [as P. hasselquistii] Metallinou, Cervenka, Crochet, Kratochvil, Wilms, Geniez, Shobrak, Brito & Carranza 2015 Parker 1942 [as P. hasselquistii] Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
Genus Tarentola (Wall Geckos)
Tarentola annularis

Egyptian White-spotted Gecko

Joger 1984 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
 Family Scincidae (Skinks)
Genus Chalcides (Cylindrical Skinks)
Chalcides ocellatus

Mediterranean Ocellated Skink

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Chalcides ragazzii

Eritrean Cylindrical Skink

Carranza, Arnold, Geniez, Roca & Mateo 2008 Greenbaum, Campbell & Raxworthy 2006 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Genus Trachylepis (African-American Grass and Forest Skinks)
Trachylepis brevicollis

Short-necked Skink

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008 Spawls, Howell, Hinkel & Menegon 2018
Trachylepis isselii

Eritrean Mountain Grass Skink

Koppetsch 2020 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Trachylepis quinquetaeniata

African Five-lined Skink

Koppetsch 2020 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942
 Family Sphaerodactylidae (Least Geckos, etc.)
Genus Pristurus (Semaphore Geckos)
Pristurus crucifer

Cross-marked Semaphore Gecko

Arnold 2009 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
Pristurus flavipunctatus

Yellow-spotted Semaphore Gecko

Arnold 2009 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Parker 1942 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008 Wermuth 1965
Pristurus rupestris

Rock Semaphore Gecko

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco & Jeremchenko 2008
 Family Varanidae (Monitor Lizards)
Genus Varanus (Monitor Lizards)
Varanus exanthematicus

Western Savanna Monitor

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Mertens 1963
Varanus niloticus

Nile Monitor

Bayless 2002 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997

Snakes (Serpentes)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Boidae (Typical Boas)
Genus Eryx (Sand Boas)
Eryx colubrinus

East African Sand Boa

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
 Family Colubridae (Typical Snakes or Colubrids)
Genus Crotaphopeltis (Herald Snakes)
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia

Common Herald Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Genus Dasypeltis (African Egg Eaters)
Dasypeltis abyssina

Ethiopian Egg Eater

Bates & Broadley 2018 Trape, Mediannikov & Trape 2012
Dasypeltis crucifera

Eritrean Egg Eater

Bates & Broadley 2018
Genus Dispholidus (Boomslangs)
Dispholidus sp.


David & Ineich 1999 [as D. typus] Largen & Spawls 2010 [as D. typus] Largen 1997 [as D. typus]
Genus Eirenis (Middle Eastern Dwarf Snakes)
Eirenis africanus

African Dwarf Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Mahlow, Tillack, Schmidtler & Muller 2013
Genus Philothamnus (African Green Snakes)
Philothamnus semivariegatus

Variegated Bush Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957
Genus Platyceps (Flat-headed Whip Snakes)
Platyceps florulentus

Egyptian Whip Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Schatti 1988 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Platyceps largeni

Dahlak Whip Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Maza, Feldman, Fishelson & Meiri 2015 Schatti 2001
Platyceps rhodorachis

Wadi Whip Snake

Gasperetti 1988 Lanza 1990 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Perry 2012 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Platyceps taylori

Somali Whip Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Schatti 1988
Genus Scaphiophis (African Hook-nosed Snakes)
Scaphiophis raffreyi

Ethiopian Hook-nosed Snake

Broadley 1994 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Genus Telescopus (Afro-Asian Cat Snakes)
Telescopus obtusus

Egyptian Cat Snake

Crochet, Rasmussen, Wilms, Geniez, Trape & Boehme 2008 Largen & Spawls 2010 [as dhara] Largen 1997 [as dhara] Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013 [as dhara] Spawls, Malonza & Beraduccii 2021
 Family Elapidae [part 1: terrestrial species] (Cobras, Mambas, etc.)
Genus Dendroaspis (Mambas)
Dendroaspis polylepis

Black Mamba

David & Ineich 1999 Haakansson & Madsen 1983 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957
Genus Naja (Typical Cobras)
Naja haje

Egyptian Cobra

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Naja nubiae

Nubian Spitting Cobra

Largen & Spawls 2010 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014 Wuster & Broadley 2003
 Family Lamprophiidae (House Snakes, etc.)
Genus Aparallactus (African Centipede Eaters)
Aparallactus lunulatus

Reticulated Centipede Eater

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Atractaspis (Stiletto Snakes)
Atractaspis irregularis

Variable Stiletto Snake

David & Ineich 1999 Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Laurent 1950 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Atractaspis magrettii

Mandafena Stiletto Snake

David & Ineich 1999 Golay, Smith, Broadley, Dixon, McCarthy, Rage, Schatti & Toriba 1993 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Boaedon (Afro-Arabian House Snakes)
Boaedon fuliginosus

Common African House Snake

Hughes 1997 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957
Genus Limaformosa (Venus File Snakes)
Limaformosa chanleri

Unicolor File Snake

Lanza & Broadley 2014 Largen 1997 [as capensis]
Genus Lycophidion (African Wolf Snakes)
Lycophidion jacksoni

Kilimanjaro Wolf Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 [as L. capense] Largen 1997 [as L. capense] Trape 2021
Genus Malpolon (Montpellier Snakes)
Malpolon moilensis

Moila Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Genus Psammophis (Old World Sand Snakes and Grass Snakes)
Psammophis punctulatus

Northern Speckled Sand Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Psammophis schokari

Arabian Sand Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Psammophis sibilans

Hissing Sand Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Psammophis tanganicus

Tanganyika Sand Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Loveridge 1957 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
Genus Pseudoboodon (Ethiopian Labial-pitted Snakes)
Pseudoboodon gascae

Eritrean Labial-pitted Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Tiutenko 2018
Pseudoboodon lemniscatus

Striped Labial-pitted Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
 Family Leptotyphlopidae (Thread Snakes)
Genus Myriopholis (Many-scaled Thread Snakes)
Myriopholis braccianii

Eritrean Mountain Thread Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2007 Hahn & Wallach 1998 [as cairi] Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 [as cairi] McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999 [as variabilis] Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013 [as cairi]
Myriopholis erythraea

Eritrean Lowland Thread Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2007 Largen & Spawls 2010
Myriopholis macrorhyncha

Large-snouted Thread Snake

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Sindaco, Venchi & Grieco 2013
 Family Pythonidae (Pythons)
Genus Python (Typical Pythons)
Python sebae

Northern Rock Python

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
 Family Typhlopidae (Typical Blind Snakes)
Genus Afrotyphlops (African Giant Blind Snakes)
Afrotyphlops blanfordi

Senafe Blind Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2009 Largen & Spawls 2010 Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014
Genus Letheobia (African Gracile Blind Snakes)
Letheobia erythraea

Eritrean Gracile Blind Snake

Broadley & Wallach 2007 Largen & Rasmussen 1993 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999
 Family Viperidae (Vipers)
Genus Bitis (African Adders)
Bitis arietans

Common Puff Adder

David & Ineich 1999 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997
Genus Echis (Carpet Vipers)
Echis megalocephalus

Big-headed Carpet Viper

David & Ineich 1999 Largen & Spawls 2010 Pook, Joger, Stumpel & Wuster 2009
Echis pyramidum

North East African Carpet Viper

David & Ineich 1999 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 [as varius] McDiarmid, Campbell & Toure 1999

Turtles (Testudines)
= endemicEX = extinct or assumed extinct

 Family Cheloniidae (Hard-shelled Sea Turtles)
Genus Caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle)
Caretta caretta

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

King & Burke 1989 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Genus Chelonia (Green Sea Turtle)
Chelonia mydas

Green Sea Turtle

King & Burke 1989 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021 Urban 1970
Genus Eretmochelys (Hawksbill Sea Turtle)
Eretmochelys imbricata

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

King & Burke 1989 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Genus Lepidochelys (Ridley Sea Turtles)
Lepidochelys olivacea

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

King & Burke 1989 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
 Family Dermochelyidae (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Genus Dermochelys (Leatherback Sea Turtle)
Dermochelys coriacea

Leatherback Sea Turtle

King & Burke 1989 Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
 Family Pelomedusidae (African Side-necked Turtles)
Genus Pelomedusa (African Helmeted Turtles)
Pelomedusa gehafie

Eritrean Helmeted Turtle

Petzold, Vargas-Ramirez, Kehlmaier, Vamberger, Branch, Preez, Hofmeyr, Meyer, Schleicher, Siroky & Fritz 2014 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
 Family Testudinidae (Tortoises)
Genus Centrochelys (African Spurred Tortoise)
Centrochelys sulcata

African Spurred Tortoise

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Petrozzi, Hema, Demaya, Benansio, Eniang, Diagne, Segniagbeto & Luiselli 2020 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Genus Kinixys (Hinge-back Tortoises)
Kinixys belliana

Central African Hinge-back Tortoise

Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021
Kinixys nogueyi

Western Savanna Hinge-back Tortoise

Largen & Spawls 2010 [as belliana] Largen 1997 [as belliana] McCord, Joseph-Ouni & Tabaka 2005 [as belliana]
 Family Trionychidae (Softshell Turtles)
Genus Trionyx (African Softshell Turtle)
Trionyx triunguis

African Softshell Turtle

Largen & Spawls 2010 Largen 1997 Rhodin, Iverson, Bour, Fritz, Georges, Shaffer & Dijk 2021