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Conventional Radiography of the Hip Revisited

This review proposes a structured approach to analyzing conventional radiographs of adult hips by focusing on alterations of radiological bone density, femoral head contours, and the joint space. Conventional radiography enables detecting subtle changes in cortical contours and joint space width due to its high spatial resolution. It is limited to the detection of cortical changes in areas to which the x-ray beam is tangent. It has reduced sensitivity for the detection of trabecular bone and medullary changes. Radiographic findings in common hip disorders, such as osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, transient osteoporosis, and subchondral insufficiency fractures, are correlated to changes on MR imaging and computed tomography.

Key points

  • Conventional radiographs continue to play an important role in the first-line evaluation of symptomatic hip joints despite the advent of MR imaging.

  • Comparative anteroposterior and off-lateral views of the hips enable an accurate evaluation of the joint space.

  • Radiographs have limited sensitivity in detecting bone changes.

  • Radiographs cannot detect joint effusion and bone marrow changes.


Conventional radiography is frequently used as the initial imaging modality to assess hip disorders. The aim of this review article is to provide a structured approach to analyze conventional radiography of normal and abnormal adult hips. We will focus on changes in radiological bone density and contours of the femoral head and alterations of the joint space observed in common hip disorders, which include osteoarthritis, femoral head osteonecrosis, transient osteoporosis, and subchondral insufficiency fractures. The findings at radiography are correlated with MR imaging and computed tomography (CT). Pediatric, metabolic, neoplastic, and postoperative hip disorders will not be addressed. Conditions in which correlation with cross-sectional imaging does not bring added value for the understanding of conventional radiography will be out of the scope of this review.

Anatomy of the hip and challenges in hip disorders

The hip is a deeply located highly congruent diarthrodial joint. A nearly spherical femoral head articulates with the acetabular cavity, which is reinforced by an acetabular labrum, and the capsular ligaments (the medial and lateral arms of the iliofemoral ligament, the pubofemoral ligament, and the ischiofemoral ligament) ( Fig. 1 ). Hip radiographs only demonstrate bone contours to which the x-ray beam is tangent ( Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 1

( A ) AP radiograph of the right hip with ( B ) corresponding coronal T1-weighted MR image. Only the bony components of the hip are adequately depicted on the radiograph whereas the MR image clearly demonstrates the non mineralized components of the hip: the acetabular labrum ( thick white arrow ), the transverse ligament ( thin white arrow ), the articular capsule ( black arrow ), and the ligamentum teres ( asterisk ).

Fig. 2

Radiographic anatomy of the hip. ( A ) AP radiograph of a left hip and ( B , D , F ) corresponding coronal CT reformats with ( C , E , G ) schematic drawings. ( B , C ) Anterior column of the hip: the iliopectineal line ( thin black arrow ), the iliopubic ramus ( thick black arrow ), and the anterior acetabular wall ( white arrow ). ( D , E ) Acetabular fossa with the acetabular sourcil, the weight-bearing surface of the acetabulum ( arrowheads ), the acetabular fossa ( thin arrows ), and the quadrilateral surface ( thick arrow ). ( F , G ) Posterior column of the hip with the ilio-ischiatic line ( thin arrows ), the ischial tuberosity ( arrowhead ), and the posterior acetabular wall ( thick arrow ).

Circle (in A and B ): anterior column of the hip. Square (in A and D ): acetabular fossa with acetabular sourcil. Triangle (in A and F ): posterior columns of the hip.

Medical imaging plays a major role in the work-up of patients with suspected hip disorders because the deeply located hip is not amenable to direct palpation and the clinical examination may be restricted to evaluating the range of motion.

Radiological work-up of the hip

Radiological work-up of the hip includes an anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the pelvis and a lateral radiograph of the symptomatic hip. The pelvic radiograph allows the assessment of the entire pelvic girdle, providing an overview of the entire region. Moreover, by allowing the comparative analysis of both hips, it enhances the detection of subtle bone and joint abnormalities. The AP pelvic radiograph should be obtained with the patient lying supine, the lower limbs medially rotated (20 degrees). When obtained in a standing position, it enables detecting leg length discrepancy but provides a less satisfactory analysis of the bone structure. Standing hip radiograph does not provide additional information on the joint space except in severe hip dysplasias, opposite to the knee joint, for which proper assessment of the joint space width requires weight-bearing radiographs.

The added value of an AP hip radiograph to complement pelvic radiograph is open to debate except after total hip replacement. In the authors’ institution, an AP hip radiograph usually is obtained because of the high quality of the bony details secondary to beam collimation. Several different lateral views of the hip can be obtained, the choice of which may depend on the clinical situation ( Fig. 3 , Table 1 ). Most of the lateral radiographs are obtained with different degrees of hip abduction and flexion providing a lateral view of the proximal femur. The off-lateral view (also called false profile of Lequesne) is a unique radiograph that provides an evaluation of the hip joint in a near sagittal plane, with the femur in an anatomic position ( Fig. 4 ). It allows analyzing the most anterior and posterior aspects of the joint space that are not depicted on the AP and the other lateral radiographs, at the expense of a decrease in the overall quality of the image.

Fig. 3

Lateral radiographic projections of the hip and their common indications.

Table 1

Lateral radiographic projections of the hip joint

Radiographic Projection Value Limitation Common Indication
Off lateral view (Lequesne false profile)

  • Acetabular morphology

  • Evaluation of the anterior and posterior joint space

Poor evaluation of the femoral neck

  • Osteoarthritis

Lateral both hips (frog-leg projection)

  • Allows a comparison with the contralateral side

  • Profiles the head-neck junction adequately

  • Anterior and posterior aspects of the joint space are not evaluated

  • Femoral neck is not adequately evaluated

  • Developmental dysplasia of the hip

  • Slipped femoral capital epiphysis

  • Osteochondritis of the capital epiphysis

45° posterior oblique, (Lauenstein projection)

  • Evaluation of the ilioischial column and anterior acetabular rim

  • Lateral view of the upper third of femur

  • Femoral head osteonecrosis

  • Acetabular fractures

  • Internal fixation material

30° anterior oblique (Judet projection)

  • Evaluation of the posterior acetabular rim and the iliopubic column

  • Anterior and posterior aspects of the joint space are not evaluated

  • The greater trochanter can obscure the head-neck anatomy.

  • Acetabular fractures

  • Internal fixation material

True lateral neck of femur (cross-table lateral view)

  • Evaluation of the proximal femur

  • Not for evaluation of joint space and acetabulum

  • Poor image quality

  • Suspected fracture of femoral neck

  • Dislocation of the hip

  • Slipped femoral capital epiphysis

Urethral profile

  • Same as Lauenstein projection

  • Evaluation of femoral neck

  • Anterior and posterior aspects of the joint space are not evaluated

  • Femoral head osteonecrosis

  • Acetabular fractures

  • Internal fixation material

Dunn profile

  • To evaluate the proximal femur

  • Profiles the head-neck junction

  • Poor evaluation of acetabulum and joint space

  • Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement

Fig. 4

Radiographic anatomy of the hip. ( A ) Off-lateral view (Lequesne false profile) of the left hip and ( B , D , F , H ) corresponding sagittal CT reformats with ( C , E , G , I ) schematic drawings, from anterior to posterior. ( B , C ) Pubic bone ( asterisk ) and the iliopubic ramus ( arrows ). ( D , E ) The anterior acetabular wall ( thick arrow ), acetabular fossa ( thin arrow ), and the ischiopubic ramus ( asterisk ). ( F , G ) Anterior acetabular rim ( thin arrow ). The posterior ( thick arrow ) and the anterosuperior ( arrowhead ) aspects of the joint space are adequately depicted. ( H , I ) Greater trochanter ( asterisk ) superimposed on the femoral neck ( thick arrow ); the lesser trochanter ( thin arrow ) also is seen.

Conventional radiography yields a high spatial resolution that enables detecting subtle changes in cortical contours and joint space width. Because conventional radiography corresponds to a bidimensional projection of 3-D structures, however, it can only detect cortical changes to which the x-ray beam is tangent (see Figs. 1 and 4 ). Other limitations of conventional radiography of the hip include limited sensitivity for the detection of trabecular bone and medullary changes and the inability to show joint effusion ( Fig. 5 ).

Fig. 5

( A ) Conventional radiography does not demonstrate joint effusion. Note the preserved joint space ( black arrows in A ) and early osteophyte formation ( white arrow in A ). ( B ) The coronal T2-weighted MR image shows distended joint recesses of variable signal intensity ( thick arrows and asterisk in a case of synovial chondromatosis of the hip [ B ]).

Radiological density of the femoral head

Normal Radiological Density of the Femoral Head

The physician interpreting conventional hip radiographs should first focus on alterations in radiological bone density. The radiographic appearance of the hip joint is largely influenced by its anatomy. The femoral head varies in thickness due to its spherical shape and it contains a thin sclerotic line that corresponds to the remnant of the physis (also called the physeal scar). The head is partially covered by the acetabulum, which is obliquely oriented in the coronal and axial planes. The radiological density of the femoral head can be divided into 3 zones, reflecting the superimposition of the anterior and posterior acetabular walls and their oblique orientation ( Fig. 6 ). The upper medial zone shows the highest bone density due to the superimposition of both acetabular walls on the upper femoral head. It is delimited by the upper limit of the femoral head superiorly and the anterior acetabular wall inferiorly. The intermediate zone shows intermediate density and is delineated by the projection of the anterior acetabulum medially and by the posterior acetabulum laterally. The lower and lateral zone of the femoral head shows the lowest density and corresponds to the lateral aspect of the femoral head projecting outside the acetabular borders. The relative importance of these 3 zones is largely dependent on the anatomy and the position of the body relative to the direction of the x-ray beam. Any deviation from this normal zonal description may reflect an alteration of the bone density, the only exception being the physeal scar. The apparent radiological density of the femoral head also may depend on technical factors, acetabular changes and other superimposing structures.

Fig. 6

Normal zonal pattern of the radiological density of the femoral head on an ( A ) AP radiograph and ( B ) corresponding schematic representation. The anterior ( thin arrows [ B , C ]) and posterior ( thick arrows [ B , D ]) acetabular walls delineate 3 zones of variable density depending on the superposition of the femoral head and both acetabular walls. 1: femoral head + anterior and posterior walls. 2: femoral head + posterior wall. 3: femoral head ( B ). Coronal thick multiplanar reformats in the ( C ) anterior and ( D ) posterior aspects of the hip joint demonstrating the anterior acetabular wall ( arrows [ C ]) and posterior acetabular wall ( arrows [ D ]), respectively.

Increased Radiological Density of the Femoral Head

Femoral head osteonecrosis

Femoral head osteonecrosis can be associated with increased radiological density of the femoral head ( Table 2 ). Bone hyperostosis is mainly due to trabecular bone apposition at the margin of or within the osteonecrotic lesion. Therefore, the radiological hallmark of osteonecrosis is the presence of a sharply delineated sclerotic lesion in the femoral head that represents the sclerotic interface that separates the subchondral necrotic segment of the epiphysis from the normal adjacent bone when the x-ray beam is tangent to it ( Fig. 7 ). Occasionally, the sclerotic zone may appear ill defined, without sclerotic line, on the AP radiograph. The sclerotic bone margin may become more conspicuous on the oblique projection of the femoral head ( Fig. 8 ). When the lesion is extensive it may involve the entire femoral head with a horseshoe pattern and it becomes difficult to detect the real margins of the necrotic lesion on the radiographs ( Fig. 9 ).

Table 2

Focal increase in radiological density of the hip

Examples Histologic Correlation Radiological Features

  • Apposition of trabecular bone and thickening of subchondral bone plate

  • Sclerosis occurs in subchondral bone

  • Joint space narrowing

  • Geodes

  • Osteophytes

Femoral head osteonecrosis

  • Apposition of trabecular bone at the margin of necrotic territory

  • Mineral deposits in necrotic bone

  • Dense concave sclerotic rim

  • Preserved joint space (early stages)

  • Horseshoe subchondral sclerosis on lateral view

Subchondral insufficiency fracture

  • Microcallus formation in subchondral trabecular bone

  • Sclerosis is faint and predominates in subchondral trabecular bone

  • Preserved joint space

  • Occasional subtle alteration of head contour

Fig. 7

Focal increased density in osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a 69-year-old woman. ( A ) AP radiograph of the right hip with ( B ) corresponding schematic representation show a wedge-shaped area in the femoral head demarcated by a sclerotic line ( arrows [ B ]). ( C ) Coronal CT reformat shows a thin sclerotic line ( black arrow ) delineating a territory with focal increased density ( asterisk ); note the fracture lines ( white arrows ) on that CT performed in the context of a low-energy trauma. ( D ) Coronal T1-weighted MR image showing the necrotic territory delineated by a low T1 line ( arrow ).

Fig. 8

A 36-year-old man with left hip pain. ( A ) AP radiograph of the left hip and ( B ) corresponding schematic representation show a wedge-shaped sclerotic area ( arrows [ B ]) in the femoral head that is not related to the acetabular wall. ( C ) Coronal reformat of a CT scan of the same hip shows a thin sclerotic line ( arrows ) delineating the necrotic territory, surrounded by ill-defined trabecular bone sclerosis ( asterisk ). ( D ) On the coronal T1-weighted MR image, the sclerotic margin is seen as a linear low signal intensity band ( arrows ) surrounded by ill-defined low signal intensity area ( asterisk ) corresponding to the trabecular sclerosis.

Fig. 9

Focal increased density of the femoral head. A 42-year-old man with osteonecrosis of the right femoral head. ( A ) AP radiograph shows a subtle ill-defined increased density of the femoral head. ( B ) The Lauenstein view increases the conspicuity of the osteonecrotic lesion since the sclerotic line becomes tangent to the margins of the lesion ( arrows [ C ], corresponding schematic representation). On the ( D ) sagittal CT reformat and the ( E ) sagittal T1-weighted MR image, the osteonecrotic territory has a horseshoe pattern, occupying a large volume of the femoral head ( arrows [ D , E ]).

Subchondral insufficiency fracture

In patients with subchondral insufficiency fracture, a subtle increase in bone density in the subchondral area can be observed, usually late in the course of the disease ( Fig. 10 ). These subtle sclerotic changes are probably due to callus formation in the subchondral area.

Fig. 10

Increased bone density in subchondral insufficiency fracture. A 40-year-old man with right hip pain. ( A ) Coronal T1-weighted and ( B ) sagittal intermediate-weighted image with fat saturation show an ill-defined area with low signal intensity on T1 ( asterisk [ A ]) and high signal intensity on intermediate weighted fat saturation ( asterisk [ B ]) corresponding to bone marrow edema involving the femoral head and extending to the femoral neck. A subtle linear low signal intensity band is seen in the subchondral bone ( arrow [ B ]) corresponding to trabecular microimpaction, consistent with subchondral insufficiency fracture. ( C ) Follow-up coronal T1-weighted MR image 3 months later was normal. ( D , E ) Follow-up comparative radiographs obtained 10 months later show a subtle increase in bone density of the right femoral head in comparison to the left hip.


In advanced hip osteoarthritis, increased radiological bone density can be seen in association with important joint space narrowing. These changes, related to the thickening of the subchondral bone plate and/or of the trabecular bone network, can occur on either or both sides of the joint ( Fig. 11 ).

Fig. 11

Focal femoral head sclerosis in a 73-year-old man with right hip osteoarthritis. ( A ) AP radiograph of the pelvis and ( B ) off-lateral view of the right hip showing severe joint space narrowing associated with sclerotic subchondral changes of the femoral head and acetabulum ( arrows [ A , B ]). ( C ) Coronal CT reformat demonstrates sclerotic ( arrows ) and cystic changes ( arrowheads ) in the right hip. ( D ) Coronal T1-weighted and ( E ) short tau inversion recovery MR images show an ill-delimited low T1-weighted and high short tau inversion recovery area ( asterisk [ D , E ]) involving the right femoral head and extending to the femoral neck, corresponding to bone marrow edema. Subchondral cystic changes also are seen ( arrows [ E ]).

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Mar 3, 2020 | Posted by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING | Comments Off on Conventional Radiography of the Hip Revisited

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