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Top 100 Umar Quotes

#1. I can not give you the reference of Ram Chandar or Krishna, because they were not historical figures. I can not help it but to present to you the names of (Hazrat) Abu Bakar (RA) and (Hazrat) Umar Farooq (RA). They were leaders of a vast Empire, yet they lived a life of austerity.

Mahatma Gandhi

Umar Quotes #223717
#2. If Abu Bakr is dead and Umar is Caliph, then we hear and obey.

Khalid Ibn Al-Walid

Umar Quotes #829399
#3. I found that a whole series of people opposed me simply on the grounds that I was a woman. The clerics took to the mosque saying that Pakistan had thrown itself outside the Muslim world and the Muslim umar by voting for a woman, that a woman had usurped a man's place in the Islamic society.

Benazir Bhutto

Umar Quotes #1240153
#4. Rapid expansion coupled with social stability is proof of Umar's incredible capabilities as a leader

Firas Alkhateeb

Umar Quotes #1669712
#5. I am proud to kill in the name of God.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Umar Quotes #9865
#6. If patience and gratitude had been she camels, it would have mattered little on which I rode.


Umar Quotes #27160
#7. A man may be as straight as an arrow, but even then he will have some critics.


Umar Quotes #35811
#8. Who do you think's better looking people in the north or people in the south?


Umar Quotes #50334
#9. Sit with those who love Allah, for that enlightens the mind.


Umar Quotes #51653
#10. The criterion of action is that todays work should not be deferred till the following day.


Umar Quotes #62520
#11. Too much righteousness makes you a nonsense

Umar Hassan

Umar Quotes #89436
#12. All actions without love are just like dust in the air.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #106843
#13. To be alone means that you avoid bad company. But to have a true friend is better than being alone.


Umar Quotes #108142
#14. Seek knowledge and teach it to people. Learn dignity and tranquillity, and be humble towards those from whom you learn knowledge and be humble towards those to whom you teach it, and do not be tyrannical scholar otherwise your knowledge cannot be established because of your tyranny.


Umar Quotes #113492
#15. Be patient; patience is a pillar of faith.


Umar Quotes #119424
#16. I have never regretted my silence. As for my speech, I have regretted it over and over again.


Umar Quotes #156041
#17. O Allah do not give me in excess lest I may be disobedient.


Umar Quotes #173391
#18. We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, God will humiliate us again.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

Umar Quotes #202733
#19. Renouncing the worldly pleasures is a comfort for both the human heart and body.


Umar Quotes #206273
#20. He who went to the kings to seek favors went away from Allah.


Umar Quotes #217342
#21. The wisest among you is he whose sustenance is the fear of Allah.


Umar Quotes #229732
#22. For those who practise tyranny and deprive others of their rights, I will be harsh and stern, but for those who follow the law, I will be most soft and tender.


Umar Quotes #247982
#23. As long as you are pure of heart, you speak the truth.


Umar Quotes #254467
#24. Forgive people so that Allah may forgive you.


Umar Quotes #272856
#25. Acquire knowledge and teach it to people.


Umar Quotes #275982
#26. Black is an old wrinkled-face queen sitting on a porch while rocking away her last days, thinking of her grandchildren
Black is the old lady's grandchildren yelling "Revolution!" so that their grandmother would die free

Umar Bin Hassan

Umar Quotes #299060
#27. He who called her so called her by her true name, for she is the full moon of full moons, afore God!

Umar Ibn Muhammed Al-Nefzawi

Umar Quotes #309332
#28. It's better to talk about a dead hero than a living zero

Umar Hassan

Umar Quotes #310955
#29. May Allah show mercy upon the man who shows me my faults.


Umar Quotes #346367
#30. Take account of your deeds before they are taken account of.


Umar Quotes #360166
#31. Sometimes to comprehend one's message you have to use mirror or a water.

Umar Inuwa Sa'eed Kibiya

Umar Quotes #365253
#32. Fear Allah, for that is fortune; indifference to Allah is misfortune.


Umar Quotes #385121
#33. Do not depend upon the morality of a person until you have seen him behave while in anger.


Umar Quotes #402258
#34. I am surprised at three things: 1. [A] man runs from death while death is inevitable. 2. One sees minor faults in others, yet overlooks his own major faults. 3. When there is any defect to one's cattle he tries to cure it, but does not cure his own defects.


Umar Quotes #414586
#35. Whenever Allah gives a blessing to a servant, and then takes it back from him, and the servant patiently endures his loss, then He rewards him with a blessing which is better than the one which He took back.

Umar II

Umar Quotes #440527
#36. We are a people whom Allah gave might and glory to through Islam, so we will never seek glory through anything else.


Umar Quotes #454382
#37. He who wins through fraud is not a winner.


Umar Quotes #455040
#38. Taqwaa is not by praying all night and fasting all day but rather it is abiding by the commands of Allah and staying away from His prohibitions.


Umar Quotes #484379
#39. He who does not live in the way of his beliefs starts to believe in the way he lives.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

Umar Quotes #492268
#40. Do not be deceived by a man's eloquence; rather whoever fulfils trusts and refrains from impugning people's honour is a real man.


Umar Quotes #496897
#41. Lower your gaze from the world and turn your heart away from it ...


Umar Quotes #518664
#42. Truth is Timeless, and returning to Truth is better than continuing in Falsehood


Umar Quotes #532561
#43. The most important of your affairs in my view is prayer; whoever prays regularly has protected his faith, but whoever neglects it, is bound to be more negligent in other issues of faith.


Umar Quotes #534333
#44. Preserve the sayings of those people who are indifferent to the world. They say only that what Allah wishes them to say.


Umar Quotes #555404
#45. Do not overeat; that invites disease.


Umar Quotes #580355
#46. If Allah created you for this world, He would have created you without death.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #596046
#47. Allah loves moderation and hates extravagance and excess.


Umar Quotes #606912
#48. Be dignified, honest and truthful.


Umar Quotes #607192
#49. Islam will be destroyed by the mistakes of scholars, the arguments of the hypocrites who misinterpret the Qur'an to support their views and misleading rulers.


Umar Quotes #665051
#50. To forgive an oppressor is oppression upon the oppressed.


Umar Quotes #732762
#51. He who keeps his own counsel keeps his affairs in his own hands.


Umar Quotes #735368
#52. May Allah have mercy on him who sends me my faults as a present.


Umar Quotes #750292
#53. Money cannot help lifting its head.


Umar Quotes #757334
#54. A photographer is like a writer ... you're writing with your lens so make sure you tell a good story.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #818484
#55. Earning of livelihood by following some profession is better than living on charity.


Umar Quotes #848145
#56. The origin of every sin of the heart is love of this world.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #854967
#57. Praise Allah, for by praise His blessings multiply.


Umar Quotes #887436
#58. What regresses, never progresses.


Umar Quotes #909285
#59. Avoidance of sin is lighter than the pain of remorse.


Umar Quotes #913492
#60. Death is teacher enough, true faith is wealth enough, and worship is action enough.


Umar Quotes #916682
#61. Don't forget your own self while preaching to others.


Umar Quotes #922431
#62. Just like the moon is fully illuminated when facing the sun, so are believers who fully turn themselves to face the Prophet.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #948749
#63. Do not accept gifts; [because] that is bribery.


Umar Quotes #953149
#64. I fear the day when the Kuffar are proud of their falsehood, and the Muslims are shy of their faith.


Umar Quotes #971310
#65. Hold on to your salah, because if you lose that, you will lose everything else.


Umar Quotes #976106
#66. If a sheep dies on the shore of the Euphrates I fear lest Allah ask me to account for it on the Day of Resurrection.


Umar Quotes #1008084
#67. Get used to a rough life, for luxury does not last forever.


Umar Quotes #1045528
#68. If a person has ten habits out of which nine are good and one bad, that bad one will destroy the good ones.


Umar Quotes #1050628
#69. The wisest man is he who can account for his actions.


Umar Quotes #1077913
#70. Do not put off today's work for tomorrow.


Umar Quotes #1079360
#71. Do not be misled by a person's prayers and fasting. [Instead] look [at their] sincerity and wisdom.


Umar Quotes #1095039
#72. He who does now know evil will fall into it.


Umar Quotes #1101501
#73. Do not put off today's work until tomorrow, lest work accumulate and you achieve nothing.


Umar Quotes #1132314
#74. Fear Allah, for He alone lives; all other things are liable to perish.


Umar Quotes #1151480
#75. The death of a thousand worshipers is easier to bear than the death of a scholar who has knowledge of what Allah has permitted and forbidden.


Umar Quotes #1164107
#76. When you see that any scholar loves the world, then his scholarship is in doubt.


Umar Quotes #1191021
#77. God forbid, men should be jealous of knowledge as they are jealous of women.


Umar Quotes #1192148
#78. Remember that we remember very little! 10% of what we read or hear 50% of what we hear and see 80% of what we say 90% of what we say while doing For

Imran Umar

Umar Quotes #1195428
#79. He who sleeps without offering the night prayer, may he never enjoy a sound sleep.


Umar Quotes #1196821
#80. A man should be like a child with his wives, but if they need him, he
should act like a man


Umar Quotes #1224745
#81. Do not be misled by hearing of anyone's reputation.


Umar Quotes #1261388
#82. When light engages the heart, it causes an illumination of the path, a purification of the consciousness, an enlightenment of the intellect and an establishment of the foundations of dhikr and shukr and of beautiful worship ...

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #1293208
#83. The Quran obliges every able Muslim to participate in jihad and fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, and kill them wherever you find them ... an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Umar Quotes #1296442
#84. Sometimes the people with the worst past, create the best future


Umar Quotes #1306585
#85. Take account of yourselves before you are brought to account.


Umar Quotes #1333846
#86. When a man puts me a question, I judge of his intelligence.


Umar Quotes #1376640
#87. There are four types of oceans. Passions are the ocean of sins, the self (nafs) is the ocean of lust, death is the ocean of life, and the grave is the ocean of distress


Umar Quotes #1380710
#88. The efficacy of a prayer depends not on the words but on the sincerity of intention.


Umar Quotes #1390569
#89. Whoever doesn't worship God by choice will worship the creation by necessity.

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Umar Quotes #1393386
#90. Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable.


Umar Quotes #1393938
#91. I will be harsh and stern against the aggressor, but I will be a pillar of strength for the weak.I will not calm down until I will put one cheek of a tyrant on the ground and the other under my feet, and for the poor and weak, I will put my cheek on the ground.


Umar Quotes #1418853
#92. Get over your aggression, as Trees are also part of nature, when you don't cut their branches, people start cutting the whole trees.

Daniyal Umar

Umar Quotes #1440277
#93. Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

Umar Quotes #1451058
#94. If Allah wants for a people ill, he gives them debates and takes away from them actions.


Umar Quotes #1476219
#95. No man can have anything better after faith than a woman of righteous character, loving and child-bearing. And no man can have anything worse after unbelief than a sharp-tongued woman of bad character.


Umar Quotes #1486530
#96. Luxury is an obstacle, and so is the fatness of the body.


Umar Quotes #1498366
#97. Quoth the Raven," said a glitching voice from the phone.

"Nevermore," said the man.

"Then the game has started

Rao Umar Javed

Umar Quotes #1530416
#98. Women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights.


Umar Quotes #1537011
#99. Patience is the healthiest ingredient of our life.


Umar Quotes #1538734
#100. The less of the World, the freer you live.


Umar Quotes #1544955

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