We have constructed a genealogy of strain S288C, from which many of the mutant and segregant strains currently used in studies on the genetics and molecular biology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been derived. We have determined that its six progenitor strains were EM93, EM126, NRRL YB-210 and the three baking strains Yeast Foam, FLD and LK. We have estimated that approximately 88% of the gene pool of S288C is contributed by strain EM93. The principal ancestral genotypes were those of segregant strains EM93-1C and EM93-3B, initially distributed by C. C. Lindegren to several laboratories. We have analyzed an isolate of lyophilized culture of strain EM93 and determined its genotype as MATa/MAT alpha SUC2/SUC2 GAL2/gal2 MAL/MAL mel/mel CUP1/cup1 FLO1/flo1. Strain EM93 is therefore the probable origin of genes SUC2, gal2, CUP1 and flo1 of S288C. We give details of the current availability of several of the progenitor strains and propose that this genealogy should be of assistance in elucidating the origins of several types of genetic and molecular heterogeneities in Saccharomyces.