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Crate pubgrub

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PubGrub version solving algorithm.

Version solving consists in efficiently finding a set of packages and versions that satisfy all the constraints of a given project dependencies. In addition, when that is not possible, we should try to provide a very human-readable and clear explanation as to why that failed.

§Package and Version traits

All the code in this crate is manipulating packages and versions, and for this to work we defined a Package trait that is used as bounds on most of the exposed types and functions.

Package identifiers needs to implement our Package trait, which is automatic if the type already implements Clone + Eq + Hash + Debug + Display. So things like String will work out of the box.

TODO! This is all wrong. Need to talk about VS, not Version. Our Version trait requires Clone + Ord + Debug + Display. For convenience, this library provides SemanticVersion that implements semantic versioning rules.

§Basic example

Let’s imagine that we are building a user interface with a menu containing dropdowns with some icons, icons that we are also directly using in other parts of the interface. For this scenario our direct dependencies are menu and icons, but the complete set of dependencies looks like follows:

  • root depends on menu and icons
  • menu depends on dropdown
  • dropdown depends on icons
  • icons has no dependency

We can model that scenario with this library as follows

type NumVS = Range<u32>;

let mut dependency_provider = OfflineDependencyProvider::<&str, NumVS>::new();

    "root", 1u32, [("menu", Range::full()), ("icons", Range::full())],
dependency_provider.add_dependencies("menu", 1u32, [("dropdown", Range::full())]);
dependency_provider.add_dependencies("dropdown", 1u32, [("icons", Range::full())]);
dependency_provider.add_dependencies("icons", 1u32, []);

// Run the algorithm.
let solution = resolve(&dependency_provider, "root", 1u32).unwrap();

§DependencyProvider trait

In our previous example we used the OfflineDependencyProvider, which is a basic implementation of the DependencyProvider trait.

But we might want to implement the DependencyProvider trait for our own type. Let’s say that we will use String for packages, and SemanticVersion for versions. This may be done quite easily by implementing the three following functions.

type SemVS = Range<SemanticVersion>;

impl DependencyProvider for MyDependencyProvider {
    fn choose_version(&self, package: &String, range: &SemVS) -> Result<Option<SemanticVersion>, Infallible> {

    type Priority = usize;
    fn prioritize(&self, package: &String, range: &SemVS) -> Self::Priority {

    fn get_dependencies(
        package: &String,
        version: &SemanticVersion,
    ) -> Result<Dependencies<String, SemVS>, Infallible> {

    type Err = Infallible;
    type P = String;
    type V = SemanticVersion;
    type VS = SemVS;

The first method choose_version chooses a version compatible with the provided range for a package. The second method prioritize in which order different packages should be chosen. Usually prioritizing packages with the fewest number of compatible versions speeds up resolution. But in general you are free to employ whatever strategy suits you best to pick a package and a version.

The third method get_dependencies aims at retrieving the dependencies of a given package at a given version. Returns None if dependencies are unknown.

In a real scenario, these two methods may involve reading the file system or doing network request, so you may want to hold a cache in your DependencyProvider implementation. How exactly this could be achieved is shown in CachingDependencyProvider (see examples/ You could also use the OfflineDependencyProvider type defined by the crate as guidance, but you are free to use whatever approach makes sense in your situation.

§Solution and error reporting

When everything goes well, the algorithm finds and returns the complete set of direct and indirect dependencies satisfying all the constraints. The packages and versions selected are returned as SelectedDepedencies<P, V>. But sometimes there is no solution because dependencies are incompatible. In such cases, resolve(…) returns a PubGrubError::NoSolution(derivation_tree), where the provided derivation tree is a custom binary tree containing the full chain of reasons why there is no solution.

All the items in the tree are called incompatibilities and may be of two types, either “external” or “derived”. Leaves of the tree are external incompatibilities, and nodes are derived. External incompatibilities have reasons that are independent of the way this algorithm is implemented such as

  • dependencies: “package_a” at version 1 depends on “package_b” at version 4
  • missing dependencies: dependencies of “package_a” are unknown
  • absence of version: there is no version of “package_a” in the range [3.1.0 4.0.0[

Derived incompatibilities are obtained during the algorithm execution by deduction, such as if “a” depends on “b” and “b” depends on “c”, “a” depends on “c”.

This crate defines a Reporter trait, with an associated Output type and a single method.

pub trait Reporter<P: Package, VS: VersionSet> {
    type Output;

    fn report(derivation_tree: &DerivationTree<P, VS>) -> Self::Output;

Implementing a Reporter may involve a lot of heuristics to make the output human-readable and natural. For convenience, we provide a default implementation DefaultStringReporter that outputs the report as a String. You may use it as follows:

match resolve(&dependency_provider, root_package, root_version) {
    Ok(solution) => println!("{:?}", solution),
    Err(PubGrubError::NoSolution(mut derivation_tree)) => {
        eprintln!("{}", DefaultStringReporter::report(&derivation_tree));
    Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err),

Notice that we also used collapse_no_versions() above. This method simplifies the derivation tree to get rid of the NoVersions external incompatibilities in the derivation tree. So instead of seeing things like this in the report:

Because there is no version of foo in 1.0.1 <= v < 2.0.0
and foo 1.0.0 depends on bar 2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0,
foo 1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0 depends on bar 2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0.

you may have directly:

foo 1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0 depends on bar 2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0.

Beware though that if you are using some kind of offline mode with a cache, you may want to know that some versions do not exist in your cache.


  • Handling pubgrub errors.
  • Trait for identifying packages. Automatically implemented for traits implementing Clone + Eq + Hash + Debug + Display.
  • Ranges are constraints defining sets of versions.
  • Build a report as clear as possible as to why dependency solving failed.
  • PubGrub version solving algorithm.
  • A term is the fundamental unit of operation of the PubGrub algorithm. It is a positive or negative expression regarding a set of versions.
  • Publicly exported type aliases.
  • Traits and implementations to create and compare versions.
  • As its name suggests, the VersionSet trait describes sets of versions.