Quick Facts


Comment by Nynaeve

Battle of Dazar'alor, previously of the working titles (The) Burning of Zuldazar and Siege of Zuldazar (or, as I was calling it, The Burning Siege of Zuldazar), is the second Raid coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, set to release January 22nd, 2019, with BFA Season 2 some time in the beginning of 2019, a bit after the Dec 11th release of 8.1.
NOTE: 8.1 is now live, but this raid is not yet. Not sure if all its testing is yet complete.
Note the second: This comment is a work in progress.

Dazar'alor (Zuldazar City) located in Zuldazar, is the main city of the Zandalari Troll Empire, and the main hub for Horde faction in Battle for Azeroth.

For ages untold, the city of Dazar'alor has stood at the center of the great and powerful Zandalari empire.
Its guards have thwarted numerous attempts on King Rastakhan's life, and it has endured trials both ancient and new.
But as war reaches the shores of Zuldazar, the Alliance embarks on a daring gambit to besiege the golden city and sever the Zandalari's bond to the Horde.

This is quite different from any other raid we've done before.
The enemy in this raid is the opposite faction. We actually have two completely separate experiences, whether you're Alliance, whether you're Horde
you'll be able to experience the three bosses on the other faction's side that you didn't get to witness first-hand,
so this means, whether you're Horde, whether you're alliance, you'll have a total of Nine boss encounters, as you go through this raid

  1. -- WoW Developer Live Stream w/ Ion Hazzikostas

Quick Facts:

  • Location: Dazar'alor, Zuldazar, Zandalar
  • Raid Size: 10-30? flexible LFR, Normal, and Heroic; 20-man Mythic
  • Boss Encounters: Nine boss encounters, some bosses different per faction
  • Final Boss: Jaina?
  • Raid Achievement: split into factions and sections, see achievement section a bit below
  • Meta Achievement: Glory of the Dazar'alor Raider
  • Bonus Currency: Seal of Wartorn Fate
  • Opening Date: January 22nd, 2019 (US) / ? (EU). with release of BFA Season 2. (but over a month after release of Patch 8.1)

Raid Unlock Schedule
  • January 22 (US) / January 23 (EU) – Normal and Heroic Difficulties
  • January 29 (US) / January 30 (EU) – Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1
  • February 12 (US) / February 13 (EU) – Raid Finder Wing 2
  • February 26 (US) / February 27 (EU) – Raid Finder Wing 3

  1. WoW site Blog

One of the big things that the Alliance War Campaign/War effort is building towards is this strike, a first strike, a preemptive attack, on the Zandalari fleet, on the city of Zuldazar, to cripple the new Horde alliance , and make sure the Alliance maintains the upper-hand, so all of the events are leading to this.

  1. -- WoW Developer Live Stream w/ Ion Hazzikostas

You as an Alliance player, will join Jaina, join the Alliance forces, land in the harbor at Zuldazar, fight your way through the city, up until the pyramid, including a new inside of the pyramid that we haven't seen before, eventually ascending to the top, to confront King Rastakhan.

Horde players, learning that the Alliance is attacking their city, will rush to its defense, beginning on the far northern side of pyramid, in the jungles of Zuldazar, as they fight through the pyramid, fight through Alliance attackers, and for them, the events around Rastakhan are actually just a midway point, and the rest of the Horde raid is actually them fighting back down towards the harbor, through alliance forces, fighting different bosses, the remains of the Alliance attack, and eventually culminating in a battle against Alliance commanders, including Jaina herself, on the high seas.

  1. -- WoW Developer Live Stream w/ Ion Hazzikostas

Boss Encounters: (by faction)

Horde: (by wing)

Death's Bargain

Victory or Death

Alliance: (by wing)

Empire's Fall

Might of the Alliance

Now, after that, we also want to give players a change to see the other side of the story, so one you've finished this raid in its entirety, you'll return to what remains of Zuldazar, or if you're Alliance, you'll return to Boralus, where you will learn from scouts, from soldiers, who were on the front lines, what happened in your absence, as a Horde player, well, what did the Alliance do before we got there, and through the vehicle of them retelling the story, you'll be able to experience the three bosses on the other faction's side that you didn't get to experience first-hand.

  1. -- WoW Developer Live Stream w/ Ion Hazzikostas

Flashback/Retelling Bosses: (by faction)
-----Note: Don't quote me on this, yet, I'm going by what I'm seeing in the Journal, Ion's monologue, and the process of elimination.
------Note: Also going from the new round of Achievements from the PTR.

Alliance: (Might of the Alliance)


Glory Meta: Dazar'alor Windreaver

Horde Wings:

Alliance Wings:


If Battle for Azeroth had tiers, Battle of Dazar'alor Burning Siege of Zuldazar would likely be the second BfA raid Tier (which would be Tier 23). It doesn't.
Along with other Battle for Azeroth Raids, Burning Siege of Zuldazar is set to have no class tier sets at all.

The gear in this raid is Visually Thematic to the raid itself, with no class variants, only differences for the different armor classes and the difficulty level of the raid.

Gear Visuals:
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: These are datamined skins. No loot is yet listed in the Gear/Loot section of the in-game Advanture Guide/Dungeon Journal for this raid.
Loot is now listed, but it is placeholder named and has placeholder visuals, so I can't yet determine the coloration per difficulty.
Note the Second: The Blue tint could be Ally-only and the Red tint Horde-only, though I don't know which difficulty they would choose for that unique distinction.
I do not yet know for certain about the origins of and obtaining of any of the following skins/tints.

There are currently four non-Mythic style tints and four Mythic-style tints. There's not currently any indicator for how to obtain any of them. These might all be obtainable, or some might be NPC items. We'll have to be patient and see what the PTR brings us.

Gear Item Levels:
Note: Obvious placeholders are now listed, but there is an indicator of ilvl. Do not yet know, as the items are not yet listed in the Dungeon Journal, but I will add when I see the items listed there.

There seems to be a Vantus Rune: w/e of Zuldazar, Vantus Rune: Battle of Dazar'alor, that can help you when you're working on a specific boss.

  1. Vantus Rune Technique: Battle of Dazar'alor/Vantus Rune: Battle of Dazar'alor
  2. Vantus Rune Technique: Battle of Dazar'alor/Vantus Rune: Battle of Dazar'alor
  3. Vantus Rune Technique: Battle of Dazar'alor/Vantus Rune: Battle of Dazar'alor

Seal of Wartorn Fate, the bonus roll likely set for use in the Burning Siege of Zuldazar ("Seal of Wartorn Fate", previously called "Seal of Ancient Fate" was originally set to be called "War-Torn Seal of Fate".)

Again, Please note: This raid has no class Tier gear, as with Uldir. This raid has no class-specific armor visuals, as with Uldir. This is currently set/said to be the norm, going forward.



Comment by Ninelya

A small guide for all skipping quests in raids that I could find.

Comment by Takkar

I pray and hope Blizz makes this raid soloable on difficulties from LFR to Mythic sooner rather than later as Grong and his loot really interest me a lot, and I really don't want to go about the hassle of trying to find a raid group (I'm more than aware of the pain that comes with not only looking a for raid group, but also what goes on in said group).

Comment by Jordanaxdkx

Is this place soloable in LFR yet?

Comment by somucheffort1

drops low lvl gear but my lvl 70 alts can't get past 4 and 5th bosses

Comment by Wolfenstein3000

Solo 437 Destro Lok report. Tiresome: lots of stuns, one lasting 60 seconds, followed by 13 seconds, and another 13 seconds...don't pull all the pats like I did. Weird bugs and teleports at Halls of Opulence. Opulence got me down to 5%, requiring life saving measures (pots, HS, Drain life). None of the normal loot piles of gold was lootable. Weird DPS lag where you hit things 5 X and only then they drop health 0%. Laggy mobs that react after you engage boss. Got to Conclave, killed 2 but then wiped. 3 BOES worth maybe 50g. not worth it. did not return.

Comment by andornarakh

LFR Allaince after killing Grong the barrier blocking the entrance to the palace of opulence isnt lowering.

Comment by 37andcounting

I think I found something that might be useful for soloing.

My character (ilvl 458 Survival Hunter) suddenly had a much easier time with normal Conclave of the Chosen when I equipped the Obsidian Gladiator's Sigil of Adaptation (this dropped my ilvl to 455 but no big deal). The odd thing is, it might be a glitch, because it doesn't work against the Aspect of Akunda's Mind Wipe by itself. If the Aspect of Gonk is still active, when they polymorph you, and if your trinket isn't on cooldown, it will for some reason cancel both effects. This should give you a decent chunk of time to wail on the Aspect of Akunda before they Mind Wipe you again, though if that doesn't finish them you will have to wait another minute.

Comment by glickboy

As of 10.2.5, this is somewhat easilly to solo as a Mage (I am 485 atm)...

Basically all bosses as Arcane (just full blow with double lust), except Council, which requires Frost (for the PET).

Jaina you just have to find a good spot on the fire, bait the first lust (causing her to Ice Block), when this fades, use your second lust (she doesnt IB this) and all burn rotation, this should bring her to sub 5% (I got her to 1%), finishing the fight...

Fun fact: You cannot loot the chest, as it will be in the middle of the ocean without Ice, because we skipped this part.

Just leave the instance and receive your loot by mail, GG.

Comment by Kilrathi3

if you cant find where to pick up the quest at..

37.0 5.2

Comment by Macmagotty

From my recent solo LFR run through the wings of Battle of Dazar'alor, I found that King Rastakhan glitched during combat. This was likely due to killing the King before Bwonsamdi completed his roleplay. Or, in other words, killing the King too fast will cause the encounter to bug - no surprises there. It is worth mentioning that I had no other encounter in all of Battle of Dazar'alor glitch out like this fight did.

After the instance reset, I killed King Rastakhan slower, allowing Bwonsamdi to do his roleplay, then it glitched a different way, leaving me stuck in the death realm and thus unable to gather loot. The loot was in my mailbox after leaving the instance, but I can well imagine an instace of this happening in mythic difficulty now that item levels and the recent patches make that more likely.

Comment by Schnoodledorfer

For Horde players, after King Rastakhan dies, leave the room to the west, then go south and east, then south through the door. Mount a Riding Pterrordax to continue with the Horde storyline. It took me a while to figure this out. Most people could probably figure it out faster.

Comment by jackblues

Complete soloing in mythic mode with a 608 Arms warrior.

Comment by Frezen

Heads up for anybody soloing this raid:

There is still a bug, where you cannot advance any further after killing the Champion of the Light too quickly.

Basically, all you have to do is to go slowly, kill all the fodder and wait for all the dialogues to finish from NPCs. So stop and listen, kill first group of fodder, then second, then listen, then kill the boss, stay where you are and listen again. Also watch the cinematic, Just to be sure...

Comment by Peacemoon

To queue for this raid on LFR, speak to Eppu (Horde) or Kiku (Alliance).

Battle of Dazar'alor

Battle of Dazar'alor is Battle for Azeroth's second raid. It opened on the week of January 22, 2019.

Battle of Dazar'alor is a linear instance. There are 9 bosses in the raid. Battle of Dazar'alor is special in the fact that there are Alliance and Horde storyline wings, in which the bosses follow a specific storyline for that faction. The opposite faction is able to experience these wings by talking to a Scout inside the instance, after reaching the beginning of said wing, to temporarily change their race and racials to match the opposite faction.

The order of the bosses are the same for Alliance and Horde, except for the 2nd and 3rd bosses.

2nd Boss -

3rd Boss -

Alliance Flashback (Horde become Alliance with Alliance Racials)

Horde Flashback (Alliance become Horde with Horde Racials)

We have strategy guides for each of the nine Battle of Dazar'alor bosses! These Battle of Dazar'alor boss guides are written by FatbossTV and will provide tips on all raid roles and specific detailed information for all difficulties; Normal, Heroic, Mythic and LFR.

Champions of the Light


Jadefire Masters







Some notable rewards from Battle of Dazar'alor:


  • Champion of the Light – As vanguard for the Alliance's assault on Dazar'alor, Frida Ironbellows leads her troops with fervor and conviction. Her battle prowess and unwavering faith in the Light make her a force to be reckoned with.
  • Champion of the Light – Ra'wani and her troops are the first line of defense against the Alliance, sworn to lay down their lives for their city. Standing together, they empower and heal each other while fending off the incoming invaders.
  • Jadefire Masters – To the untrained eye, Ma'ra Grimfang and Anathos Firecaller may seem like a mismatched pair. The truth, however, is that their coordination is second to none. Their combined assault is powerful enough to level the most formidable foes.
  • Grong, the Jungle Lord – After volunteering to become a living super weapon, the once-intelligent Grong devolved into a giant rampaging behemoth. But though his mind may have deteriorated, Grong's strength is more immense than it has ever been.
  • Grong, the Revenant – Once willing to sacrifice everything to serve the Alliance, the mighty Grong has been raised from the dead and pitted against his former friends. Fighting on behalf of the Horde would be anathema to this noble soul, whose only hope for release is a clean death.
  • Jadefire Masters – Though they began training together only recently, Manceroy and Mestrah have perfected their teamwork and now present a united front. With both fire and fists, they stand ready to strike down any who challenge the Alliance.
  • Opulence – Long ago, King Dazar had his golden treasury enchanted so that it would rise against anyone except its rightful owner. Many an unsuspecting thief has been slain by the very riches they coveted, serving as an important lesson to those who would steal from the throne.
  • Conclave of the Chosen – Deep within Dazar'alor lies a chamber built to honor six of Zandalar's greatest loa, guarded by their most devout followers. Trespassers who dare enter this sacred hall are soon met with primal fury like none they have ever seen.
  • King Rastakhan – For over two hundred years, King Rastakhan has ruled the Zandalari empire. Since the fall of Rezan, he has turned to a new patron--Bwonsamdi, the loa of death. The dark bargain he has made grants him the power to crush his enemies... but at what cost?
  • High Tinker Mekkatorque – Unrivaled in their ingenuity, Gelbin Mekkatorque's inventions have been instrumental to the Alliance's attack on Dazar'alor. His state-of-the-art armor is outfitted with the latest--and deadliest--ordnance that gnomish engineering can offer.
  • Stormwall Blockade – Brother Joseph and Sister Katherine are devout worshippers of the waves. These proud Kul Tirans would gladly risk their lives to ensure the safety of their compatriots. Their command over sea and storm is awesome to behold, as are the ancient and powerful rituals they practice.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore – As the Alliance fleet withdraws from Dazar'alor, Lady Jaina Proudmoore stays behind with a handful of Kul Tiran vessels to slow the Horde's pursuit. Storm clouds gather overhead as Jaina leads her pursuers deeper into the Great Sea, where she will attempt to turn the odds in her favor.


Intro Music


