The document discusses micro and macro levels of analysis in sociology. Micro levels deal with small social patterns like interactions between individuals, while macro levels examine large social patterns like the effects of institutions on whole populations. It also categorizes types of conflict as interpersonal, intranational, or international based on whether they occur between individuals, within a nation, or between nation-states. Finally, it lists some common causes and effects of conflict such as differing expectations, assumptions, values, and decreased morale.
2. Level of conflicts
Micro levels Macro levels
level of analysis of small social level of analysis of large social
patterns patterns
complexity of this small group doesn’t just study the largest
is that within the larger levels of societies but also society as
of society there are still a whole.
smaller micro levels that make
them up.
deals with the daily actions The macro level looks at how
and interactions of people in the institutions within a large
society population affect the masses
Micro level study of society in it’s at the macro level of a
on the smallest elements that society in these larger
create the idea of what a institutions that the root of a
society is, the norms and societies problems begin and
behaviors that make it therefore make them of great
recognizable as a its own interest
4. interpersonal intranational international
conflict with other being or occurring within a conflicts between different
individuals nation. nation-states and conflicts
between people and
organizations in different
considered a major level of Public international conflicts
conflict tend to be much more
difficult to resolve
Resolved among those who private conflicts are usually
are involved only. resolved in the same way as
they are domestically
5. Background
Differing Knowledge
expectations and ability
Making Differing
assumptions values
6. Decreased
Poor decision- emotional
making and
Effects psychological
Complaints Dissatisfaction
and blaming and stress