Using the TFL to Refine Utthita Parsvakonasana
Using the TFL to Refine Utthita Parsvakonasana. Knowing your stuff is key to anything. This site is a bit bump in that direction.
A Cool Tip for Deeper Breathing in Yoga
rhomboids and serratus anterior open the chest
Yoga for Healthy Knees: Understanding Biomechanics Can Protect Your Knees in Lotus Pose
Antagonist/Synergist Combinations in Yoga
gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata in warrior II
Refining the Pelvis in Twisting Standing Poses
abductors and adductors - revolved triangle
How to Use the Adductor Muscles to Refine Downward Dog
A Tip for Helping to Correct Alignment in Hyperextended Elbows and Knees in Yoga