Reading Fluency Passages
These reading fluency passages and supplemental worksheets have been carefully created to help support and develop both fluency and comprehension in young readers. Each of the passages are completely decodable as they only include short vowel CVC words as well as Pre-K and Kindergarten level sight words. - Pre-read the set of words that will be the focus of the text - Re-read the passage 3 times. - Identify words with the same rime to highlight word patterns
Idioms - I Have, Who Has Activity
Idioms are always such a fun, yet tricky, concept to teach, especial to ELL students. Idioms are always such a fun, yet tricky, concept to teach, especial to ELL students. Providing practice opportunities with idiom activities such as these Idiom I Have, Who Has Cards are a fun and engaging way to help students learn and review common idioms.