IOM-10 St Pantheleimon (Icon in Oklad)
This icon of the Holy Martyr and Healer Pantheleimon in oklad was painted using acrylic paints and gold leaf on a gessoed board. The oklad is made from brocade, embroidered with natural pearls, Czech and Japanese beads, Swarovski strasses, decorative cords, and soft cannetille.
St. John Chrysostom: Prayer
“Prayer is a great weapon, a rich treasure, a wealth that is never exhausted, an undisturbed refuge, a cause of tranquillity, the root of a multitude of blessings and their source.” – St. John Chrysostom #orthodoxquotes #orthodoxy #christianquotes #stjohnchrysostom #stjohnchrysostomquotes #throughthegraceofgod
Icons, Orthodox Gifts ~ Virgin of Kazan - Gold Silver Foil Embossed Icon Mounted on Wood - ICN5
Virgin of Kazan~ Troparion (Tone 4) O fervent intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, thou dost pray to thy Son Christ our God and savest all who seek thy protection. O Sovereign Lady and Queen, help and defend all of us who in trouble and trials, in pain and burdened with sins, stand in thy presence before thine icon, and who pray with compunction, contrition, and tears and with unflagging hope in thee.